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Summary:Suicide isn't always the answer

Warning:basically what it says. Don't read if you are sensitive to the topic.

Remember I love you all xoxo


《March 31, 2019》
《12:38 a.m.》

Corbyn had it planned out. He had it planned out for the past two months.

When it was gonna happen.
How it was gonna happen.
Where it was gonna happen.

Was be proud of that. No he wasn't, but that changed when thought back to the restless night's he had.

When:April 02
How:A gun
Where:On top of his apartment building

Nothing special was gonna happen that day, so it seemed perfect. Everything was perfect. Now all he had to do was wait 2 days, and everything would be okay.

At least that's what Corbyn thought.

《April 02, 2019》
《6:00 a.m》

Daniel woke up, and got ready. Was he proud of the kind of job he had?
Yes, because his job helped save lives.

Yes, there where times where it failed, and yes Daniel cried because of it. But, nonetheless, he was proud to say he loved helping people. Even if he didn't know them personally.

As Daniel got to work, he got his earpiece in, and was ready for anyone that needed help.

《1:48 p.m.》

Okay, so far nothing too major has happened. Just 3 calls that needed someone to talk to, for Daniel did good with that, he was a good listener.

Until he got a pretty scary call. From a boy named Corbyn.

《1:53 p.m.》

Corbyn made his way to the top of the apartment building. He got all the way up there with no problem which kinda surprised him.

No manager, no suspicious neighbors. It was as if Corbyn was, invisible.

He sat by the ledge looking out to the city. He suddenly became scared. Maybe this was a bad idea.

But it wasn't, Corbyn convinced himself. He had to do this, he told himself, he needed to do this.

《2:05 p.m.》

Corbyn still hasn't done it. He was more on the losing his mind.

He wanted to do it.
But that in part of his brain told him not to.
To call that number that spread through the school when Corbyn lost his best friend to suicide.

Oh, how much Corbyn missed Jonah. Jonah was his only true friend. Someone he could rely on. And now that he was gone, Corbyn was gone.

So, Corbyn decided to call. As the phone rang, Corbyn started sobbing.
"Hey buddy, my name's Daniel. What's going on?"

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