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Corbyn layed in his bed, staring at the cream colored ceiling as thoughts ran through his mind.

He always thought the worst at night, and well, tonight was no different. Except it sligtly was. Usually when he thought about things, it would be nothing that made him scared.

But tonight, oh, tonight's thoughts left him shaking and teary eyed. He looked up at the ceiling and thought of something he never thought he would have.

'What if I killed myself?'

Five words that Corbyn was thinking, and he didn't know Why. Although, he assumed it was because he was starting to feel sad, depressed even.

Like, what would happen if he did kill himself? Would anyone miss him, like they claimed they will? Would anyone bother to see him, if anything happened?

But those five words, and endless thoughts that came after them, scared the living soul out of the blonde. He didn't know what else to do but let silent tears fall from his face, as he grabbed his phone.

He turned it on, trying his best to look for the phone application, since tears just kept coming no matter how much he wiped his eyes.

Once he found the number he was looking for, he pushed is, and waited for it to ring. When it did, he now waited for the blue-eyed boy to answer his call in distress.

"Corbyn? What's up?" That seemed to calm Corbyn down a little, relieved Daniel had picked up, and he no longer had to be stuck with just him and his thoughts.

"Daniel? I know it's like 2 in the morning, but I needed to call someone. Anyone, and I called you. Can you come over....please?" Corbyn's voice trembled as he waited for an answer.

"Damn Corbyn it's really late. Can't this wait till tomorrow?" Daniel asked, as he sat up in bed, yawning. But was confused as hebbeard sobbing coming from the blondes end.

"Please Daniel. I'm-I'm scared." Corbyn spoke, trying to persuade the silver-headed boy to come over. And it worked, as he heard a sigh, and a quick 'I'll be there in five'

When be hung up, he now paved around his room, trying so hard to forget the thoughts that were running through his head all night. Corbyn jumped when he heard a slight knock on his bedroom window.

"What's scared you so bad that you had to interrupt my sleep?" Daniel gumbled, as he tripped over the window sill, grabbing onto corbyn's desk that was beside the window.

Corbyn sighed, "I had these thoughts, okay? It scared me and I didn't want to be alone." Daniel yawned.

"What kind of thoughts? That the boogie man was gonna get you? Freddie Krueger was gonna get you while you dream-" Daniel was soon interrupted by four words that made him stop joking and turn to look at his blonde friend.

"Thoughts of killing myself." Corbyn said, biting the inside of his cheek, "and-and I didn't know what to do. I got scared. Scared that I was going to influence myself into doing it. I don't know Daniel-"

The blue-eyed boy pulled the blonde headed boy into his chest, as he let him cry. Of course Daniel felt bad because he was making fun of his best friend, but he had to be here.

He understood why he was interrupted from his sleeping. His best friend was hurting, and he needed someone to brother for him. And, Daniel couldn't leave him there to cry. "Hey, hey, it's okay Corbs. You're fine. I'm here. It's okay, shh."

Daniel whispered, running his hand through the blondes mess of what you call hair, feeling his shirt get soaked from the tears of his frightened friend. "C'mon let's lay down, okay love. Let's lay down now."

Corbyn nodded, as he wiped his eyes, letting Daniel lead him to his bed, making sure the blonde was comfortable before sliding in the bed himself.

Once they were both under the duvet, Daniel wrapped his arms around the shaking blonde, rubbing his back, trying to soothe him from crying. "Okay, baby. No need to cry no more. I'm here." Daniel whispered, kissing the blonde's head.

"I'm here now."


You guys don't understand how much I love making oneshots for you guys.

I find a comfort in it, maybe it's because your comments that I just love reading all the time.

I just want to thank you all for sticking with me through all these oneshots that also held much pain from what I felt, to my happiness I felt to everything.

Thank you so much

♡Stay Gold♡

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