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Summary: shopping


"Daniel, wanna go to the store with me?" Corbyn asked, placing his phone in his pocket. Daniel, who had just sat down, got back up, "I'll grab the keys!"

Arriving to the store was fairly quick, the traffic was there but it wasn't unbearable. Plus, who didn't like a good jam session in the car with someone special?

Daniel pulled into one of the parking spaces, and took of his seat belt, placing a pair of sunglasses on top of his head. Corbyn, took his seat belt off, and was already out the car door.

"hurry up Daniel, this isn't a runway, it's shopping." he said, crossing his arms. Daniel looked up at him and scoffed, "if you look good like me, then yeah, it's a runway. It's okay though," he got out the car, and locked it.

"you wouldn't understand the mindset of a good looking guy-hey that hurt!" Corbyn laughed at the brunette, who was rubbing his arm.

"I do actually, understand that mindset. I'm a little hurt you'd say that-I'm literally the best looking in the band."

Daniel raised his eyebrows, and looked the other way.


Corbyn gasped, placing a hand to his heart, "and now I'm even more hurt that you reacted that way!" Daniel shrugged, "that's really good you know? Opening up about your feelings."

Corbyn huffed, in a friendly manner, "who are you? A therapist?"

"I could be."


"what did we come to get anyways? I mean, we've been walking about for like 20 minutes." daniel complained, as he walked behind the brown headed boy, sliding his fingers against the aisle shelves.

"to be honest, I just wanted out the house. And said 'hey you know what? Daniel could be good company.' although I now know that I was wrong, you're the worst company a person could have." Corbyn argued back, grabbing a bag of chips.

"yeah well you aren't the ideal shopping companion either, I mean, seriously? one bag of chips? And they're cheetos, where's the taste?" Daniel spoke, grabbing tortilla chips and dip.

Corbyn waved him in dismissal, "I'm sorry that I don't wanna get kicked out the store? Like you and the rest of the boys have had happened."

"you're just no fun! Hate to be the bearer of bad news, pal!" Daniel reasoned, earning a smack to the head from Corbyn.

After that conversation, Corbyn made his way towards the electronics, as Daniel, who had no choice, followed. things were going well, Corbyn looked at the games that came out, because he'd like to find one he can beat Jonah on, which wasn't that much of a problem for him.

And daniel, he had his mind else where. He stood in front of the few television setups they had, watching some YouTube video that they played. Then he used his brain, and decided to connect to one of the T.Vs and play whatever his beautiful heart desired.

Corbyn on the other hand was not happy with what he played. It was a video of him dancing in the mirror. that's all Corbyn would say, he would not go into detail of what he was wearing or saying, not what he was listening to.

"Daniel! Turn. That. Off. Now." he muttered angrily, a blush forming on his face, as a few people gathered around to watch in amusement. Daniel turned to him, shook his head, and danced along to the Corbyn on TV.

Embarrassing. Was the only word that flashed in Corbyns mind. " Daniel, please, bro, don't do this to me." Daniel laughed, telling some random girl, who had asked if he knew Corbyn, that he did, and that he was indeed the boy on the screen.

But instead of dwelling on this, Corbyn pulled his phone out. Connecting to a different television set, and once he did, he played a video of Daniel hungover, on top of a table, doing whatever his drunken mind made him do.

Daniel turned his full attention on that video, and gasped. "how did you-there's no way! Corbyn, look, I'll disconnect, let's just disconnect from the tvs." Daniel spoke, disconnecting, waiting for Corbyn to do the same.

What he didnt expect was for Corbyn to run off. So not only was that stupid video playing, but Corbyn who was in control, was gone. Daniel had no choice but to chase after him, denying anyone who questioned if he was the one of the screen.

After running around for about ten minutes, he decided it was time to go to the big guys. "excuse me maam, I lost my....son! My son, he ran off, and I just can't find him. Do you mind, can you, tell him to come to the front please?" Daniel asked, as he walked up the on the the clerks.

The woman smiled sweetly, and nodded her head, "sure thing, my goodness, must be a scary time for you," Daniel nodded eagerly, "what's his name Hon?"

"his name is Corbyn." the lady nodded, grabbing the phone, "how old is he? Don't want anyone else who might be named Corbyn, coming up to the front!" she joked, clearly trying her best to comfort the 'dad' who lost his son.

Daniel nodded again, "he's-he's well he's 23.. He likes to play tag ALOT."the woman shared a quick face of confusion but nonetheless, pressed a few buttons, so she was now on the intercom.

"will 23 year old Corbyn, please come to the front, your dad-" "daddy" the woman looked at Daniel with widened eyes, "excuse me sir?" Daniel smiled, "it's daddy, daddy Daniel. Corbyn please come to the front. NOW!" Daniel yelled into the intercom himself, the woman slamming the phone down.

"is this some sick game yall youngins like to play?!" she asked in disbelief, "cause some people here, don't want to play around, and have jobs to do, sir!" Daniel placed his hands up in defense,
"no no! Of course not, I'm actually his daddy! Really-"

"you're done! Thank you ma'am, so sorry for this mishaps, we're leaving, so sorry again. Cmon Daniel." Corbyn urged, grabbing his arm, pulling him out of the store, Daniel who let himself get pulled, just smiled at the lady, who shook her head in disgust.

" what were you thinking! " Corbyn asked, as he shut his car door. " I was thinking about how much of a good friend I am to send a search party for you. I was worried."

"that was embarrassing!" Corbyn sighed, turning on the car, smacking Daniel after. Daniel just laughed it off, buckling himself in, proud of himself, for what, well that was something only he would know.

"you should be thanking me!" he replied back, leaning towards the brown haired boy, kissing all over his face, who got swatted back in return.


I was jst gonna make them get kicked out yall😭

¡Stay Gold!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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