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ever so long ago I published a short ass book abt the boys not belonging in a club, going thru my drafts and deleting books I no longer wanna work on, I decided to publish the 5-6? Part book here!!


"Has anyone seen my shoe!?" Daniel asked, as he ran in the front room. The 4 other boys, watching t.v.

"Uhm, no. Why would we? It's your shoes." Zach, the youngest responded, taking a drink of his Dr.Pepper. Getting a smack from Jonah.

"Be nice. He was just asking. And, no I haven't seen your shoe." Jonah said, surfing the channels for something interesting.

"Hey, I know what we could do today!" Corbyn suddenly outbursts, making Jack jump. Spilling his soup in the process. "Aww fuck you Corbyn. That burns." Jack winced.

"Okay, sorry I guess. But we should go," he paused, "drum roll, please Dani-bug. Thank you." Daniel did as told, "WE SHOULD GO TO THE CLUB!" he shouted.

Everyone looked at the blonde. "Okay I'm down." Jonah said, "Me too." Daniel said quickly, he always did what the boys wanted to do. "If I can get my groove on, hell yeah!" Jack yelled. Zach just sat there.

"Guys. I'm like underage
So are you Jack, what the fuck how are we gonna get in?" Zach asked, making him look like an angry baby.

"Disguises. Duh!" Jack said, grabbing Zach's hand. "And I know exactly what it should be." Then the two left, before anyone got to say anything.

"Well, Imma go get ready then." Daniel quietly said, before scurrying off to his room.

Jonah and Corbyn looked at eachother, shrugged, then proceeded to go Their separate ways, waiting for Daniel to get ready.


Daniel, Jonah, and corbyn were now standing in line waiting to get in the actual club. It took a while, just to get in the line. Thanking Daniel for his little panic attack.

"Uhm, you j-just cutted in front of me and-" Daniel was interrupted by the person who cutted. "Now what are YOU gonna do about it, giraffe neck lookin ass?" When Daniel didn't say anything but gulp, the man laughed and turned back around.

'Can't believed I payed an entry fee. I Don't even wanna be here anymore.' Daniel mentally whined to himself.

A few people behind Daniel was Jonah. Standing there with his arms crossed, staring off into nothing, as he waited in line.

He knew he shouldn't be here. He should just head home, yet Corbyn seemed excited to go. So, he went with it. No, it's not because he like the blonde, he just felt like everyone would have a good time.

'So, I guess one more for the road?' Jonah chuckled to himself.

Corbyn, stood in line excited. He couldn't wait to have a good night. He thanked Jonah for letting Then go. And Daniel, for doing better on leaving the house.

Corbyn looked through the transparent glass, and saw sparklers in the building. He smiled to himself, as he placed his sunglasses on himself.

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