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Summary:uncle Dani
Part two of whatever had good ol' James in it
Cause I forgot lol

Dedicated to:@bean_cv
Thank you muah!


"Uncle Dani! How you been! Have those mean scary guys been mean to you again?" James, the now 9 year old asked, as Daniel sat in a chair next to him. "James I told you; me and the boys are tight now, we're good. So, no, their not mean to me." Daniel laughed, as James shrugged.

"I gotta look out for my best friend y'know? You may be way to old for my protection, but you need it." James replied, making Daniel scoff. "Are you-are you calling me weak?" James nodded, "only sometimes though, uncle dani."

"Oh whatever.."


"Uncle Daniel!" James, who was now 14 years old yelled, as Daniel walked into his room, with corbyn by his side. "and uncle corbyn! How are you guys?" James asked, turning around to face the two, instead of his computer screen.

"I've been great, Jamers." Daniel smiled, as how much the boy was excited to see them. "I've been great as well. How bout you little man?" Corbyn chuckled, as he sat down on the boys bed. James rolled his eyes, "I've been awesome! 9th is kicking my as-butt though. I should stop sleeping in class."

Daniel gasped, "James!-" "hey that's what I used to do!" Corbyn interrupted as he and the 14 year old high fived. "Corbyn." Daniel warned, making Corbyn clear his throat. "I-I mean that's bad James you shouldn't do that if you wanna be successful in-in life," corbyn turned to Daniel, "that sounded convincing right?"

Daniel glared at him before laughing. "Hey, but uncle you're successful and you've slept through ninth grade." James explained. "Right, but right now I'm trying to be a good influence on you so please, before Dani kills me with his glares," the blonde smiles at his husband, "just say okay and that you'll try."

James let it a laugh, "okay, I'll try not to sleep in class." Corbyn smiled, "see Dani? I'm a great influencer." Daniel just shook his head, "this is why I don't bring you along with me, you dork."

"But you love me."

"Have been for the past, fifteen years."

James groaned, "you guys are cute, but it's disgusting." Corbyn nodded, "I'll make sure to make everything cheesy from now on. Now let's get some food, your uncle is hungry."


It has been 4 years and the James Daniel had met when he was smaller wasn't so small anymore. He was 18 and was graduating, and that made Daniel happy for the boy he learned to love over the course of 20 years.
It was of course sad that James was graduating and leaving for college in New Jersey, but he was beyond proud of how far he's gotten in life.

"Uncle Daniel! Uncle corbyn! And uncle Jonah, Jack, and Zach! You guys are gonna be there for my graduation right?" He questioned, looking at the 5 men with hope in his eyes.

"Of course I am!" Zach exclaimed, "I gotta go!" Jack smiled, "I'll be there buddy." Jonah assured. "We wouldn't miss it for the world." Corbyn spoke, smiling as he looked down at his blue eyed husband, that smiled at the 18 year old.

{𝓓𝓞𝓡𝓑𝓨𝓝 𝓞𝓝𝓔-𝓢𝓗𝓞𝓣𝓢} حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن