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Summary:Need you


It wasn't suprising when Daniel would get a call at 3 in the morning from Corbyn telling him he needed him. It wasn't. It happened so frequently, Daniel knew when to wake up half the time before he got the calls.

Daniel never minded, in fact he was always there, no matter the circumstances. If it was raining he would go, snowing he would go, nothing stopped him from being by his boyfriends side.

Corbyn hated how sensitive he was. He hated how everything that happened that day would bother him, until he had Daniel by his side to tell him that everything is gonna be okay. He hated how much he needed Daniel.

Yes, he loves it when Daniel's there with him, but he wish he knew how to handle his own problems. It was one thing that bothered him, how much he depended on someone. It's not like he didn't love Daniel, because he did. Just, sometimes he wish he knew how to be there for himself at times.

So here's Daniel up at 2:58 in the morning, waiting for the call he always got. There's Corbyn at his house, drunk out of his mind. Which made him more sad amd vulnerable.

Daniel's phone started ringing with the all to familiar tone of Corbyn's favorite song. So, without a hesitation he picked up. "Hey baby." He spoke, hearing a giggle from the other end.

"Hi, Dani" Corbyn slurred, Daniel furrowed his eye brows. "Corbyn, are you drunk?" Corbyn giggled, then proceeded to sob.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I told myself I wasn't gonna call tonight b-but I lost all c-c-control Dani. I need you..." Corbyn dropped his phone as he covered his mouth. Daniel's heart hurt, as he walked to get ready.

"Hey, baby, Corbyn, I'm coming right now okay? It's gonna be okay my love." The blonde tried to assure the other blonde, which seemed to work. "Okay, bye Dani. Love you" "love you too baby."

Daniel hung up and made his way to the front of his house, being careful not to wake any one else up.

As Daniel got to Corbyn's house, he grabbed the key to the front door, opening it. He had nothing to worry about since it was just Corbyn home. When he walked in, he saw bottles and bottles of liquor on the floor, it made his heart hurt even more.

"Corbyn!" Daniel yelled, he heard a thump on the stairs, and there was Corbyn. Drunk as fuck. He was crying, laughing, and talking to himself. "Dani! Oh Hi Dani!" Corbyn stopped doing what he was doing and hugged the blue eyed boy. "Baby. Why?" Daniel didn't know what to say.

Corbyn looked around the house, and started sobbing. "I don't know Dani. I-I wasn't myself. Please don't leave me! I'll change. I'll do better, I won't hate myself anymore I won't think about ki-" Daniel just hugged Corbyn.

Corbyn hugged back, shaking as he cried more. Corbyn was scared, scared that he was gonna lose someone he loved because of thing he did. He was scared that he would forever need reassurance for everything. He was just scared.

Daniel held Corbyn. Held him like there was no tomorrow. Held him as if they weren't together for 3 years. "Corbyn, baby, shh, it's okay. It's okay I got you," Daniel picked him up and sat on the couch still holding Corbyn, "I got you."

After a while Corbyn seemed to grow tired, and more sober. "I'm so sorry Dani. For making you come at 3 in the morning. For everything Daniel, for everything." Corbyn sheepishly admitted.

"Don't worry about it. I love it. Why could I go to sleep knowing my bean can't? I'm here, to make sure you get the sleep you need, my love." Daniel told him, "Let's go watch t.v. and cuddle. How does that sound."

"Prefect." Corbyn eyes lit up, as Daniel picked him up, and carried him to his room. Corbyn put on Looney Tunes, since that was on already. The two boys layed on the bed, Daniel kissing Corbyn's hand once in a while, Corbyn kissing Daniel's cheek once in a while.

Although this was gonna kill them tomorrow morning, they didn't go to sleep till 5. They couldn't. This was a moment they loved, and frankly, as much of these moments they had, they never wanted to leave.


Honestly I Don't know what this is. All I remember was wanting 'i lost all control and i need you know' song reference right there.

And this came out of it.
Pfft. Enjoy.

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