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Summary:Death sentence
Lol Idk just go with it


Today was the day. He kept count on his imaginary calendar, which was his wall, when it was his time for his death penalty.

No, he wasn't too happy about it, for he was gonna leave someone so special to him, by themselves hurting with the fact he was gonna die for his foolish actions.

He had killed his family while they were sleeping, then killed his ex boyfriend, who cheated on him with his brother. It was so foolish of him to do that, those memories always flooded his head, as he close his eyes.

"Mr.Besson... what would you like to request for your last meal?" The guard who took care of Corbyn stood by his cell, waiting for an answer.
"Steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes, uhm, wine, and cake." Corbyn replied, who the guard nodded, and walked off.

"So today's the day huh?" Jonah Marais, Corbyn's cell buddy next to him asked. "Yeah, today." He heard a sigh, "Damn man, I'm gonna miss you and your godamn singing. Probably won't forget you when I get out of here." Jonah replied, shaking his head.

"Yeah, thanks man. Imma Miss you too brother. Only person who didn't get on my nerves was you." Corbyn spoke, sitting on his metal bed. "What about that Seavey kid? Does he know? How's he taking it?" Jonah asked.

Corbyn shook his head. "He knows. He didn't take it to well. Haven't seen him today yet. Hope he comes, would love to have him at my last meal. Jonah, Daniel knows I'm gonna be close. Hell, I'm donating my heart to his friend Zach," Corbyn sighed.

"Seavey kid knows he has my heart. The day he took me out for a drive, hell, didn't know how he pulled it off, but was kind of him of doing so. I told him I loved him, he knew my story, knows why I'm here and why I have death penalty. Told him to stay away, not to get attached, for I won't be here for long. He didn't listen, never did. He's independent. Golly, I'm gonna miss him.

Miss him and his stupid tooth-gap when he smiled. His singing is what made me sing. Damn, he better know I love him to death. Literally." Corbyn said, looking back at Jonah.

"Yeah I'm sure he knows. With all the time you spent together, he better know." Jonah said, "I know he knows. He's a smart kid, Besson." Corbyn nodded.

"Hey, Corby..." the blonde looked up to see Daniel. "Hi Baby, how are you?" Jonah was always amazed how Daniel could make Corbyn use the softness of his voice, amazed how he could make Corbyn feel like an actual human being instead of like a trapped animal. Daniel always treated Corbyn right, same with him, maybe that's why Jonah had so much respect for the kid, always respectful.

"I'm okay. Just-" Daniel started crying. "I don't want you to be gone. Besides Jonah, which hi by the way, you treat me so right. I can't let you leave me yet. Not yet." He cried. Corbyn got up and grabbed his cell keys that were on Daniel's belt and opened his cell, so he can hold Daniel.

"I know. There's nothing we can do about it now. This is what I get, I did terrible things, I pay for what I did. That's how it works, Dani. I'm glad you're here, I wanted you to be there with me for my last meal, and if you can, my sentence." Corbyn paused and looked at Daniel.

Daniel nodded. "Of course, Corby. I'll be there for both. You'll never be without me till the last of your life." Daniel smiled, a sad smile. Corbyn looked at him, then kissed him. "I'll always be with you baby. Spiritually." Daniel nodded.

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