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"Hi Corbyn how was work?" Daniel asked, as his boyfriend walked into their shared apartment, sitting on the couch, after giving Daniel a quick peck on the lips.

"So freaking busy. I didn't know people needed that many tutoring sessions for something so easy as Science." He spoke, earning a little smack from the boy next to him. "Hey! I sucked at Science" Daniel said, hearing the angelic laugh of his blonde boyfriend.

"I know, good thing I was there huh?" He joked, pulling Daniel in for another kiss. Daniel hummed against Corbyn's lips, playing with the collar of Corbyn's button up shirt. "Yeah, or else I would have failed, and gosh I wouldn't hear the end of it, from you, not my parents." Daniel laughed, pecking down the olders neck.

"Hey, I wasn't gonna graduate without now. I needed you to keep that grade up." Corbyn responded, leading Daniel's face back to his, kissing the silver headed boy once more.
"How was studying?" Corbyn asked, running his fingers through Daniel's hair.
"Busy. I didn't have your smartness to help at all. Golly, I thought Highschool was hard. Here I am in my 2nd year of college and I'm ready to be like Zach and dropout." 

Corbyn couldn't help but laugh, "ah, Zach, the Highschool dropout. He's an idiot, but we gotta love him. After all, he's our neighbor, same as Jack and Jonah." Daniel nodded.
"Anyways, I think you know what today is!" Daniel beamed.

Corbyn stared at him, confused, "yeah, it's Tuesday, and?" Daniel face palmed, "Oh my gosh Corbyn we go through this every week. It's your day to cook!" Daniel said, clapping his hands, helping Corbyn up off the couch, and straight into the kitchen.

"Yell for me when it's done chef Besson." Daniel joked, kissing the blondes cheek before running into their shared room.

"Also don't forget Zach, Jack, and Jonah are coming over to eat!! Love you!" Daniel added before running back to the room.

Corbyn looked into the Kitchen, then towards where their room was, "this is homophobic..." He muttered, pulling pots and pans out, getting ready to cook.


I really dig this one. Idek why.

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