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Summary:New Year


The why don't we boys sat around the house for what seemed like hours. They were excited that 2018 coming to an end. To much drama.

It was only 5 p.m. 6 hour's till the clock will strike 12, meaning it would be 2019. Daniel sat by Jonah, who was texting people on omegle.

Jack and Zach, were watching Corbyn show them long math equations. Making them amazed at how the blonde did them so quick. Seems like a great day...

"Guys," Daniel spoke up, as the 4 boys turned to face him, "we should do something....fun!" He cheered. Yet, getting no response.

"O-or not it's cool." He quickly sat down, scratching behind his ear. "Well, Eben's throwing a party, we should go." Jonah insisted.

"Yea let's do it" everyone said, except for Daniel. Who just sat there, "I'm good. Imma just chill here. But, yea, sounds fun you guys." He forced a smile.

Jack, Jonah, and Corbyn all gave him a worried look. As for Zach, he patted his shoulder. "Well, have fun staying here." Then he looked at the other 3 and cleared his throat.

"I-i mean, why don't you wanna come?" Daniel slightly smiled, because of Zach's change of mood. "I don't know. Party's aren't my thing." The 4 boys nodded.

"Well," Jonah started, "we can stay" Jack finished. Zach and Corbyn nodded in agreement. "No guys, it's cool. Have fun." Daniel insisted.

"Uhm, I'll stay with Daniel guys. You can go to the party." Corbyn said, sitting next to Daniel. "It's fi-" "no, c'mon Dani. We can't leave you here alone. That'll be messed up." Corbyn spoke.

"Ok fine. You can stay." "Alright well, we are going to head to Eben's, and happy New year you guys." Jonah smiled, ruffling the brunette and blondes head. "Get out of here you goons" and then there were two.

°skip 3 hours°

"So, Dani-boi, what do you wanna do," corbyn looked at his phone, "it's only 8."

"Hmm, we can make a cheese cake?" Daniel offered. "Great idea. Let's go."

"Ok, so maybe Making a cheese cake was a bad idea." Daniel said, as he got out of the shower, corbyn already taken one. "Yea, but, it took 2 hours to try and make one. We passed time, which is great I suppose." The blonde said, shaking his hair, water getting everywhere.

"Wow," Daniel sarcastically said, wiping his face, "just what I need...water to the face." Corbyn chuckled.

-around 11:58-

"Corbyn it's almost a new year! Can you believe it!?" Daniel yelled, running down the stairs, the blonde following behind.

"Yes, I know. Hurry! Turn the t.v. on!!" The blonde yelled, getting settled right in front of the screen. "Ok, here. Here's the countdown."

"5....." Daniel yelled.

"4...." Corbyn yelled back.

"3..." Daniel looked at Corbyn.

"2.." Corbyn looked at Daniel.

"1." They both said, and without any warning, or any words, their lips found their way to eachothers. They couldn't believe what they were doing.

But, that didn't mean they pulled apart, oh no, they other trued getting closer to each other.

Of course, the kiss coming to an end, as they both needed air.

"Happy New year's, Dani." Corbyn smiled.

"Happy New year's, Corbs." Daniel smiled back.


I was supposed to post this yesterday, but of course I didn't. Anyways, Happy late New year's. Love y'all



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