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Summary:single life


"Dad wake up!" Kimberly, Corbyn's 13 year old daughter yelled, shaking him awake. He opened his eyes, that we're still blurry from just being woken up. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up.

"It's 7:50 and I gotta be at school in 10 minutes." She said, "I already got Will dressed for preschool, but now we need you to get dressed, or you'll be late for work too." Corbyn quickly got up, telling his daughter thank you since she helped him with getting his son dressed.

In 5 Corbyn got ready and had everyone leaving out the door, making his two children barely making it to school, but they made it so he wasn't too stressed. Now, he had to make it to work.


Corbyn had stayed later than anticipated, so when he went to pick up his daughter, he wasn't expecting her gone, I mean, he did, but how?

"Oh my gosh please tell me she's at home," corbyn muttered as he unlocked his front door, hearing giggles and an older laugh. "Kimberly! How'd you get home? Oh my gosh you're okay! I thought something bad happened to you." Corbyn rambled, holding his daughter close to him.

"Yes dad, I'm fine, and you remember Marissa? Yeah her dad brought me home." Kimberly laughed, as her dad let out a Breath of fresh air. "Thank the Lord!" Corbyn said, turning to face the very attractive man, "thank you for bringing my daughter home. That was very thoughtful, I'm Corbyn." He held out his hand

The older man, grabbed Corbyn's hand, "Daniel, and really, it was no problem. She's very well mannered, I bet she gets that from you." Corbyn waved his hand, "I guess so. you're daughter is very nice as well, she's welcomed here anytime."

Daniel nodded, saying the same thing as well. "Marissa, c'mon sweetheart, we gotta get home. Uncle Zach has your sister, and quite frankly I don't know how I feel about leaving him alone with her for two hours." He said, as Marissa walked back to grab her backpack.

"Bye Mr.Besson, and Kimberly, don't forget what we talked about. I betted ten dollars." She smiled, following her dad out the door.

"Kimberly? What did you guys bet on?" Corbyn asked, after he had said goodbye to Daniel. "Oh just to see if you and Daniel would get together," corbyn laughed, "y'know me and Marissa would love to he sisters."

Corbyn smiled, "I don't know about that one girl. Let's get some food, uncle Jonah will be here in a few with Will, and you know how he is when he doesn't get food."

"Marissa what did your little mischievous mind come you with that made you bet money?" Daniel asked, as they were driving home. Marissa giggled, as she looked out the window.

"Oh you know the usual. Hey dad do you think Corbyn's cute?" She asked, making Daniel groan. "Oh no young lady, we're not doing this again."

Marissa groaned, "dad I wanna see you happy. I hear you talking to uncle Zach all the time about how you wish you had someone like he has Jack. I don't know, maybe corbyn can be that someone. Not to mention, Kimberly and I would die to be sisters."

Daniel softly laughed, "I don't know honey. Corbyn's very sweet. All I can say is that time would tell. Now let's just hope Zach didn't get himself ducked tape to a chair again." He said, as they pulled into the driveway.

{𝓓𝓞𝓡𝓑𝓨𝓝 𝓞𝓝𝓔-𝓢𝓗𝓞𝓣𝓢} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora