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Summary:Daniel met some...people


"Corbs. Corbs, I have amazing news." Daniel exclaimed, skipping towards the blonde.

"What's this amazing news?" Corbyn asked, turning his attention to the happy, giddy, blue-eyed boy.

"Ok, so you know how you told me to make friends if I want to be successful in life? Well I met people." Daniel explained.

"That's great Dani. I'm happy for you." Corbyn said, booping Daniel's nose. "YEA, and best part." Daniel started,

"They even showed me a friendship symbol. Yet, I don't understand it."

"Well show me this friendship symbol." Corbyn told the brunette, who gladly obliged.

"Daniel!" Corbyn yelled, making Daniel flinch. "WHAT!" Daniel yelled back, after getting scared.

"That's not a friendship symbol. That's a gang sign. You JOINED A GANG DANIEL!" Corbyn face-palmed.

"Oh-that makes sense. They had all these weapons, and we're talking all this slang. How fun!" Daniel cheerfully said, clasping his hands together.

"Daniel! I thought you were smart enough to not do that. Apparently you're not smarter than Zach." Corbyn said, pacing around the room, "do you not ask yourself 'would Zach do that?' Cause this is something he will do."

"You're not wrong. But ouch that hurts me deeply." Zach popped out of nowhere, shaking his head, before walking away, saying something along the lines of 'Daniel being stupider than me. A dream.'

"I'm sorry corbs. They just looked nice." Daniel said, sitting down.

"Well great. The softest boy in the world, joined a gang."  Corbyn chuckled a little, "actually. We could have a bit of fun with that. Still, go to your room, and think about what you did." Corbyn demanded.

"But- I'm 19. I do don't need that-" "uhm. Who's older?" Corbyn said, "you are Corbs." Daniel responded.

"Exactly. Now go to your room, or go with your new gang." Corbyn laughed a little.

"Whatever it was a mistake." Daniel mumbled.
Leaving a now dying Corbyn, cause of how stupid the situation was.


So yea. Daniel joined a gang.



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