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"Please let me go!" Daniel yelled, sobbing as he saw his three friends dead, half eaten.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Daniel. I've always found you breathtaking, ya'know? Beautiful, stunning even," Corbyn spoke dragging the axe behind him. "I've always wanted to know how you tasted, of course, they took that very sexual, I mean look at them now, dead." Corbyn exclaimed laughing a little.

He sighed, "I never wanted to hurt you. Oh no no never. But you look so good, delicious even, and I would hate myself if I didn't do what I'm about to do." The blonde muttered, swinging the axe right on Daniel's right foot, making him yell in pain. "Please Corbyn! Please" Daniel begged, tears falling from his face, as he gripped his leg. Corbyn shook his head.

"I have to Dani, I'm sorry." Corbyn grimly smiled, cutting off Daniel right arm, "FUCK!" Daniel screamed, struggling to get up, but managing to do so, dragging his now numb leg, trying to make his way back to the road that lead back to the city.

"Daniel you can't hide! I'll find you, or you'll lose to much blood that you'll pass out cold, there's no use in running!" Corbyn's voice echoed through the night sky, sending chills down Daniel's spine, as he made his way down the road, trying to leave his old cannibal best friend behind.

"Oh my god oh my god," Daniel shrieked, when he turned around to see Corbyn's figure lurking behind him, "come on out Daniel! It's okay!" Daniel cried, covering his mouth, so Corbyn wouldn't be able to hear his breaths or sobs.

For a while, it got quiet, so Daniel had assumed it was safe to keep going, he barely stood up, when he felt arms wrap around his waist and neck, "Got you," Corbyn whispered, covering the silver headed boys mouth, as he dragged him back towards the cave, where he would soon be eaten in.

(Oh my I'm so sorry I just threw up a little🤢 this is so nasty)

"Let me go! HELP!!" Daniel yelled into the night sky, hoping he was loud enough to get someone's attention, but no luck. "It's no use Daniel. No one would come up here alone, or in the dark. No one can save you," he muttered, placing Daniel down, tieing him down on the hard ground, using tent nails to hold the rope in place.

Daniel looked around, seeing Jonah, jack, and Zach all torn apart, flesh missing as well as body parts, as they layed there on the bloody sanded ground. Daniel gagged, throwing up everything that was once in his stomach. "I know such a shame, they tasted good though," Corbyn spoke, grabbing the axe again, making Daniel's heart speed up.

"Corbyn why?" Daniel asked, his lip quivering. "Good question, I don't know," he bluntly replied, swinging the axe on Daniel's stomach cutting him in half, making him die on the spot, I think, I'm not sure how the whole murder thing goes-

Corbyn smiled, as he dragged Daniel's legs apart from his torso, hanging it with the rest of the body parts that were hung up. The blonde looked at the terrified look on Daniel's face that was now like that just like the rest of them were. "Absolutely beautiful," Corbyn whispered, kissing the silver headed boys forehead, before cutting his head off as well.

"Oh Corbyn you are genuinely fucked up!" He yelled, smiling, licking his lips, "but that's okay," he told himself, cutting open the torso of Daniel, pulling out the rib cages, intestines, kidneys, lungs, stomach, and lastly heart.

"Daniel really does have a beautiful heart. Too bad no one else could see it," Corbyn explained, throwing it off to the side where piles of hearts lay.  Corbyn felt his stomach grumble, slightly smiling, "perfect."

So Corbyn had took Jack's heart, with one of Jonah's lungs, with Zach's small intestine, using Daniel's blood to wash it all down. The flesh was desert Corbyn thought as he bit into the juicy red heart, swallowing it down, taking the small intestine and eating some of that, eating the lung last, since it looked more appealing to the blonde.

"Man, such a shame they were the dinner instead of joining me for dinner," Corbyn said, head perking up once he heard the laughs of boys and girls.

He bit his lip, "teenagers that want to party, my kind of breakfast."


That was so nasty and creepy
And I'm sorry y'all had to endure that
But it's spooky szn as I always say now
And therefor
It had to be done
Please don't think I'm like the recarnation of the devil I swear I'm not the dark
Although be prepared for more gorey stuff
So the sad oneshots will be done after October ✌️

Stay gold xx

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