38 - Crying Over You

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"You think I really want you walking home in the snow? You think I really wouldn't drop everything to come and get you if you needed a ride?"

I stared up at him and blinked. Always so damn intense. "I know you worry. I know you're concerned. I'm your imprint, so that's to be expected."

He raised his eyebrows in shock. I pulled away but he tightened his grip with both hands. "I don't give a fuck about the imprint bond. I loved you before the shift and I love you more now. Imprinting just made what we already had stronger. I don't worry about you because my imprint makes me. Don't you know that by now?"

I lowered my head, pressing it to his chest. "I'm just...so confused."

He used his hand to tuck my head into the crook of his neck and he held me close, lifting me right off my feet. He squeezed me fiercely and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He carried me the short distance to the bed, lying back with me on top. He ran his hands up and down my sides and shushed me as I started to cry.

"I'm sorry," he repeated over and over.

As my tears subsided, I raised my head and rested it on my hands, which were folded on Paul's chest. "I just don't know what's going on with us."

Paul sighed as he smoothed the hair away from my face. "Please talk to me. Tell me what I'm doing wrong."

"Nothing," I whispered. "I'm sad. I think it's the holidays."

"I thought you loved Christmas," he replied, smiling softly.

I swallowed thickly, not wanting to cry again. I pushed off from Paul and stood over him. "It doesn't feel like Christmas here. This doesn't even feel like my home. There's nothing of mine here, no pictures, nothing. I just...don't feel totally comfortable here." I sucked in a deep breath and exclaimed, "And we don't even have a Christmas tree!"

"Baby," Paul murmured as he reached for me. I twisted away from him and undressed in the corner.

"I need a shower. I smell like the diner."

Before I could slip my robe on, Paul crossed the room and grabbed me from behind. "I think you smell amazing."

I gasped when he gripped my hips and pressed into me. "Seriously?"

"What?" he whispered against my neck.

I jerked out of his arms and swung around to face him. "You haven't touched me since that first night we had sex and now you wanna do it? With your best friend and my brother in the house? Wow, you're unbelievable."

Paul cocked his head and smiled. "They left." When I continued to frown at him, he added, "Is that what you're really mad about?" His smile disappeared.

"I just didn't think you wanted me anymore..."

"Are you insane?" he gasped, sliding his hands under my thighs, lifting me swiftly and pressing me against the closet door. He lifted his hips and pressed into me. "Does that feel like I don't want you?"

He was so hard and ready. I wanted to give in and let him take me against the closet door, but my pride wouldn't let me.

"It's been five days. I thought after we waited so long, we'd be doing it every five minutes. But it's like the chase is over and you just don't care anymore."

Paul let go of me, letting my body slide down his. "That's not true. I don't know how you could say that."

"That's how you made me feel," I responded sadly.

Paul crossed his arms over his chest and huffed angrily. "You act like we both haven't been busy. Sam has been making us pull double patrol shifts until Quil phases. And Manny has been giving me more hours at the gym with school being on break." He took a deep breath and continued. "You've been working so much and stressing about Rebecca...I just thought..."

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