Chapter 15

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It was the morning after. Both Cheryl and Toni had barely slept. They were anxious, excited, happy and all while trying to not get their hopes up. But that was inevitable. There was this little human who for some reason, was meant to spend their lives with another set of parents. In need of a new home and a new family. And then there was this couple, in need of a child to feel whole and completed. Who's to deny that they don't end up together, completing each-other?

"I have to admit it. I'm pretty scared."-Cheryl said to Toni, trying to stop herself from shaking.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. Whatever happens, it's you and me, okay?"-Toni tried calming her down.

"Yeah."-Cheryl smiled at her, putting her head on her shoulder as they both laid down, overthinking.

Hours passed by and the girls had now gotten ready and were waiting for the time to leave and go to the agency. Cheryl had even baked some goods to send over. At around 4pm, they both got into their car.

"I don't think I'm ready."-Cheryl said, putting her hands on the wheel and pressing on it, stressed. "I mean, what if she doesn't choose us?"

"Babe, I've been thinking of any reason why she wouldn't and you know what? I can't find a single one."-Toni said, leaning over to kiss her. "Now let's do this. We are ready."

Cheryl smiled at her and she started to feel lighter. After all, as long as Toni was by her side, nothing seemed that bad.

They drove for about an hour. They took deep breaths and they went inside to the office. The woman who was handling their case and had talked to them yesterday was waiting for them.

"Nice to see you again. How are we feeling today?"-she asked them.

"We're good, excited."-Toni said.

"Miss Gray.."-Cheryl began saying.

"Oh please, call me Alison."-she said.

"Alison..."-Cheryl smiled. "What's the story behind the woman that's putting the child up for adoption?"

"Well, her name is Daizy. She's in her 20s, without a job for the moment. We asked about the father of the child but she said that he's not in the picture. She doesn't feel like she's ready to raise a child or even capable of doing so, she doesn't have any money coming in. But abortion was not a choice for her so she kept the baby, planning to give it up since the beginning."-Alison said.

"Do we know anything about her background, where she comes from, her family history?"-Toni asked.

"Here is her file. You can take a look and go through everything. She's in the other room, meeting with another couple that's on the waiting list, and you will go in next. But every other questions you might have, you should address her and I'm sure she will have all the answers."-Alison said.

The girls started looking through the file, interested on every detail.

"I'm gonna go and check up on Daizy and see how everything's going. I'm sure she will be with you shortly."-Alison said, getting up.

"Thank you."-Cheryl said, smiling. "Okay so, she's from Florida..."

"Everything looks fine. I mean, no drug addiction, she's never been arrested. So we know she's not a serial killer and the baby doesn't carry any genes."-Toni said.

Cheryl looked at her serious, with eyes wide open.

"I'm just kidding, trying to lighten up the mood."-Toni said, scared of her wife.

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