Chapter 2

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Cheryl had been alone for quite some time. At the beginning of the whole chaos unfolding, she tried to keep busy and not think about it. She didn't share a tear for more than a week. She was going everywhere, doing anything. She didn't want her mind or body to shut down. She just wanted to forget. Playing it off as nothing ever happened would maybe be the way to move on and never talk about it again. She had convinced herself that she was over it. Until one night she let herself feel a little again. Then that little became a lot and it continued until she felt everything down to her bones. It was a pain like no other. And it didn't stop for weeks on end. She had run out of tears, her voice was gone. She had become highly self disruptive.

Cheryl felt like her life was just a big nightmare that was never-ending. She would fall to sleep, and the terror would continue there. She would wake up every twenty minutes covered in sweat and so it would continue all over in the morning. After that, she was sleep deprived. That lead her to being delusional. She thought she was seeing Toni walk around the house or in their bed, and she was convinced that she was hearing her voice. Maybe this was a way of her trying to cope with everything. Cheryl was known to not take loss well and not knowing how to handle heartbreak. Pain is hard to describe but lately, it had been carrying the name of Cheryl blossom.

After Veronica had visited her, she went to take a shower. Maybe it was really the time to move onto other things. She sat on her tub, thinking. A couple of hours must've passed before Cheryl realized that the water had turned way too low of a temperature for her body to handle. She finished up and got out. She looked at herself in the mirror, her body exposed. Her collar bones were showing, more than usually. She touched them gently then ran her hand against her skin. Her arms, her chest. She wanted to throw every mirror out. It was as if the pain she was enduring was reflecting outside of her body and she could see it clearly. For the first time she began to understand and to see. To understand how much damage had been done and to see that she needed to try again.

Her apartment was a mess. She started to pick her clothes off of the floor but it wasn't too long 'till she got lightheaded and in need to sit down. She was drained off of all her energy. She went to the kitchen, took a pill and had water. She tried to take a couple of bites off the food Veronica had brought.

"It's....too much."-Cheryl whispered to herself.

She still needed time to get back to everything she had left behind. She would get there though. She lost herself a little but she was still Cheryl Blossom. She held the world on her fingers, even in the miserable condition she was at. She could overcome anything.


"Toni...hi. Can you please come back to me? I know everything got all messed up and we screwed up but why can't we work on it?"

"Cheryl?"-Toni said confused. "Where are you?"

"What do you mean?"-Cheryl said, sounding scared and looking around.

"I-I don't know."-Toni breathes heavily.

The alarm goes off. Toni wakes up covered in sweat.

"Ugh...every night."-she said, looking at the ceiling.

She looked outside and it was so early. The sun had just started to rise. She covered her face with her covers and turned to the side to dose off to sleep for a few more hours.

"Alright guys, you went thru hair and make up. The outfits are all set according to the photo-shoot. Let's not make this longer than it had to be and let's roll."-Toni said to the models on set.

Frenemies-(Choni)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz