California 1

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The girls rented an apartment in a beautiful street in Los Angeles. Every building there was on a different pastel color. It looked like it came straight out of a movie. There were going to stay two whole weeks in California. Their bedroom had big windows with an amazing view and waking up there was like waking up in the middle of the sun.

The second day there, July 18th, marked Toni's birthday. And Cheryl wanted to make it unforgettable for her.

"Happy birthday, beautiful."-Cheryl kissed Toni while she was still sleeping.

Toni slowly opened her eyes and started stretching.

"Thank you, babe."-she said, with a raspy voice.

"You can continue to sleep for a little while longer but can you promise me you'll meet me at the coffee shop across the street in two hours?"-Cheryl said.

"Where are you going?"-Toni said, sitting and watching Cheryl put on her shoes.

"I need to pick up something for tonight."-Cheryl said.

"Wait no, come here."-Toni said.

Cheryl went to kiss her goodbye then Toni pulled her back to bed, hugging her.

"I don't need anything. Just, let's stay like this."-Toni said.

"Who said it was for you?"-Cheryl laughed. "As much as I enjoy just staying like this all day, I have to go. Promise me you'll come down in two hours."

Toni turned over and went back to sleep for one more hour. She woke up later and started getting ready. It was very hot outside so she put on a black tank top, denim shorts and did her make up. Her hair was kind of messy so she just put on a black head band and went to meet with Cheryl.

"So, it was for me after all."-she said, seeing Cheryl holding a big box in her hands.

"Open it."-Cheryl said.

Inside the box was the cutest brown puppy, who immediately looked at Toni with his big, black eyes.

"Oh my god!"-Toni said, picking him up. "He can't be mine."

"It is babe. Happy birthday, again."-Cheryl said, smiling.

Toni hugged and kissed the puppy. He seemed to like her right away, licking her face and wanting to play.

"Is he gonna get all the kisses now?"-Cheryl said.

"Yes!"-Toni answered, not even looking at her but laughing.

"Excuse me?"-Cheryl said, taking off her sunglasses and crossing her arms.

Toni then kissed her.

"Thank you. But babe, how is this gonna work? Are we taking him everywhere with us?"-Toni said.

"I thought about it and I figured that bringing him with us to different states will be very hard and we're gonna be out most of the time."-Cheryl said. "So, we're gonna keep him while we're in California, then give it to an amazing woman in the shelter who agreed to take care of him until we go back home, then she can send him over."

"I don't know how I'm gonna leave him for a whole month but it sounds like a good plan."-Toni said.

"It's just like the one you were obsessed with in Santorini. Look at him. How could I not get him for you."-Cheryl said.

"I love him so much. And I love you."-Toni said to Cheryl.

They sat down to have tea outside of the shop.

"I still can't believe this is our dog."-Toni said.

Cheryl smiled at how Toni had said "our" instead of "my". Toni never talked as an only person anymore, she always included Cheryl.

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