Chapter 10

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Toni spent a few days in New York. She tried calling Cheryl, and so did the others but nothing. Eventually she gave up and convinced herself that she didn't want to be found. Simple as that. She flew back to Los Angeles on Tuesday, arriving there late at night. She picked up the mail from the box entering her house. She sat on the living room floor and started looking through them. At the end of the pile of magazine subscriptions and bills, there was a letter signed to her name. She flipped it over and she saw it was from Cheryl. But there was no returning address or place from where it was shipped. She took a deep breath and got ready to read a break up letter.

"Dear Toni,

I just spend weeks traveling the world. I saw everything. Every culture, every street of the cities I was in. I knew where I was and felt like I was walking aimlessly, looking for something I will never find. I used to believe that I was the daughter of rage, and war. I had come out of a house where love didn't exist. I was convinced by my own people that I was a mistake and I wouldn't make it anywhere. I was told that love was something I would never cherish. And you know what, I believed it. I stood my ground and I didn't let anyone close enough to hurt me. I protected myself from everything that had the potential to ruin me. Until you. I met you, this beautiful girl that had come out of chaos and broken background, who still, somehow, looked like she carried the name of love with every step she made. You felt more. In every way. That's why I felt more. More love, more care, I felt more of a person. You entered my life unapologetically, and broke down every wall I had ever put up. I know people don't belong to other people but I was yours. Every breath that I took, every decision that I made, it was all you. And I understood that I was made to love. Not to just love, but I was made to love you. That's just what it was. I didn't know that from loving you, I would find everything else I was missing. Compassion, direction, forgiveness, sympathy. I started living when I got you. I may have lived in a gray area but the way I felt about you was crystal clear.

I have spent every night with a glass of wine in my hand, looking at the window and thinking. I just went everywhere and I still had this lump in my throat. Not because I thought something wasn't right but because I knew what I was missing. I always made the right choices. I knew what I wanted and I went out to get it. I never failed. The first time I lost, was the moment I walked away from us. Ever since that day, it has felt like I'm watching my life from the passenger seat. I took this trip to be in control of my life again. But, the only thing I got from it was that I don't want to spend one more second away from you. Leaving for Europe, everyone wanted me to find that one thing that pieces every puzzle of my life together but how do I find something that's not lost? Why do I need to look for someone when I know exactly where they are? I know where home is. I know where love is. Where everything of mine makes sense. I believed that that was a place. That's why it happened, right? We both believed that we should stay at places we had gotten used to because we didn't want to lose something in our lives. Our jobs, our comfort zones? Besides each-other, that was all we had. We've always been scared to take big steps, even though we always did and that's what led us to amazing lives. But, I'm not scared anymore. Because I love you

and because I'm home."

Toni stood up and looked at the letter. She didn't know what to do but all that confusion went away when she heard footsteps and then saw Cheryl entering the living room.

"Hey."-Cheryl said, stopping a few feet away from Toni.

Toni just looked to the side, smiled and then ran to kiss Cheryl like never before. She wrapped her arms around her neck and deepened the kiss by the second, not leaving any room between them. Cheryl stopped to smile and both laughed and hugged each-other standing up.

"I am never letting you leave again

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"I am never letting you leave again."-Toni said, still hugging her.

"I'm never going to want to."-Cheryl answered. "How was New York?"

"How did you know I went there?"-Toni asked, once they separated.

"Kevin."-Cheryl said. "I was looking for an opportunity to do this and then he gave it to me."

"He knew where you were?"-Toni asked.

"No, but he texted me two nights ago telling me you were looking for me there."-Cheryl said.

"Well, I was worried sick. Everything I knew about you was a red flag. You had moved out, you weren't answering my calls.."-Toni said.

"I sold the apartment because I don't belong there. It was filled with empty feelings that haunted me. So I gave it to someone else."-Cheryl said.

Toni kissed her again.

"I love you more than I ever have. I'm sorry."-Toni.

"For what?"-Cheryl.

"For choosing something else before you."-Toni.

"I shouldn't have made you. We both gave each-other no choice but to leave."-Cheryl said.

"I think that we both are fed up from our jobs. I don't want to go back to work for now either. It will do us both good to leave that part for a while and focus on us."-Toni said.

"Are you sure?"-Cheryl asked.

"I was coming to tell you that but then I started to believe that you weren't coming back to me."-Toni said.

"When we talked, you believed that we would work out again. That's what I wanted you to hang on to."-Cheryl said. "Because I knew where I would be by the time I'd be done traveling."

"I want us to live somewhere else, too. A house that's not mine or yours, but it's ours. Let's start all over again. Let's work because we simply want to. Whenever we want to go back to work for someone else, we'll always have choices, both of us."-Toni said.

"We don't have to decide anything right now. I am okay with living here, that's why I came back."-Cheryl said.

"You just have to agree. I am not deciding anything tonight, I have been thinking about this ever since we were in Riverdale."-Toni said. "We need to change things so whenever we're ready, we will do it."

"Let me get used to you first."-Cheryl said, kissing her and putting her arms around her waist.

"There's someone else who's been missing you for a long time."-Toni said, getting up to get Yoshi.

The puppy started barking, jumping from Toni's arms to Cheryl's lap, licking her face all over.

"Oh, I've missed you, too."-Cheryl spoke in a baby voice.

Yoshi kept jumping from excitement and the girls were laughing with him.

"I got you something from every place I went to. Something I thought you'd like or what reminded me of you."-Cheryl said.

Toni smiled big, looking at her playing with Yoshi.

"This is it, right?"-Toni laid over close to Cheryl.

"This is it."-Cheryl said, putting her head on top of Toni's. "No more wondering where we stand, what happens next... Are you okay with that?"

Toni kissed Cheryl again, not being able to get enough of her and then nodded.

"I'm thrilled."-she said, happier than ever before.

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