Chapter 18

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Cheryl woke up the next morning not knowing how to act from then on with Toni. She kept trying to figure out what to say, thinking that it would be weird. But still, she got ready and went to class. They couldn't meet before class because Toni was late, as per usual. After they were done, Toni and her friends were sitting outside campus, on the grass, enjoying a good sunny day. Then Toni saw Cheryl and her squad leaving the building, going down the stairs. The girls stopped at the gate of the campus, meanwhile Archie, Kevin and Reggie went up to where the others were sitting. Jughead, Sweet Pea and Fangs got up to greet them.

"Hey, we're all going across the street to get something to eat? Coming?"-Archie said

"Yeah, we're in."-Sweet Pea said, looking at Josie.

Fangs was checking Kevin out and then said: "Let's go."

The guys all agreed and then they stopped to look at the girls who were still sitting, not joining them.

"We meant for you to come, too."-Reggie said to them.

"With the girls?"-Betty asked.

"Yes. They thought you should join us, too."-Kevin said, looking at Toni.

Toni looked at Cheryl from the distance and Cheryl raised one eyebrow, smiling at her.

"I guess we're going then."-Toni said, looking at her girl friends. 

Betty and Valorie looked at each-other while Toni just started walking towards Cheryl. Veronica and Josie, on the other hand, were giggling from joy of having Toni and Cheryl in one place together. This time with them watching and interacting. Cheryl hadn't told her friends what she had talked with Toni just hours ago. Neither had Toni. They wanted to keep it for themselves for a while.

"Well, this is not weird at all."-Veronica said, when all of them finally sat on the table at the diner together.

Betty looked at her, smiled a little then looked down.

"Do you know for how long we've been wanting to get all of you together?"-Jughead said, with his arm around Betty.

"It must've been quite a challenge."-Josie said.

"One of the hardest."-Archie said.

"I bet you've been dying to get me in the same place as you."-Cheryl said to Jughead.

Betty lifted her head to look at her with frowned eyebrows. Everyone turned to look at Cheryl and she just didn't care.

"She's kidding."-Toni said, kicking Cheryl under the table.

"Um, to annoy me. That's what I meant."-Cheryl said, rolling her eyes.

"If you're going to fight again, we guys should leave."-Archie said.

"Yeah, I'm not leaving."-Sweet Pea said.

"Me neither. Bring me the drama."-Kevin said, then Fangs laughed at him.

"Actually, no more cat fights here. We're not in high school anymore. Whatever problem that we had,"-Cheryl said, looking at Toni "it's over now. We are the best ones in class. We should really start hanging out together."

"Yeah, the guys are best friend. It's weird."-Betty said.

"And we're friends with all of you so, it shouldn't be too hard."-Reggie said then he got up to get a burger.

Throughout the hang out, Betty and Veronica started bonding, Josie with Valorie, Kevin with Fangs. The rest of the guys were either focused on food or talking about random stuff.

Cheryl and Toni were kind of feeling awkward because they weren't free to be their usual selves. They couldn't act a certain way without everyone looking.

"Here's something we thought would never happen."-Cheryl said to Toni, looking at everyone talking and actually having fun.

"Yeah! Whose idea was this anyways?"-Toni said.

"Mine and Kevin's. Well, Kevin suggested it then I agreed. Everyone else just follows."-Cheryl said, winking at her. "Do you want to separate from them after we're all done and go to Sweet Water River?"

"I'd love to but I can't."-Toni said, kind of stressed out. "I'm going to see my boyfriend today."

Cheryl immediately turned to look at Toni but then she wanted to act like she didn't care. Like she was unbothered by that.

"Okay, makes sense."-Cheryl said. Her mood changed completely. She was annoyed.

Toni just looked at her while Cheryl was looking away, talking with Veronica.

"Kevin!"-Toni said. "Can we talk outside for a moment?"

Everyone turned to look at them.

"Yeah, come."-Kevin said.

At this point, Cheryl wasn't having any of it. Veronica looked at her, kind of asking what was going on and Cheryl just raised her shoulders. She got up and went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, then looked down. She started imagining Toni with her boyfriend. She felt so stupid. But, she took a deep breath, fixed her fair and went back to the table only to find out that Toni and Kevin were nowhere to be seen. They weren't outside either. She sat down then Veronica went close to her, telling her that Kevin had to drive Toni somewhere.

"Whatever."-Cheryl said, put a big smile on her face then said "Okay, listen up."

She got everyone's attention.

"My birthday is this weekend but I'm hosting a party on Friday. So, tomorrow."-Cheryl said. "We need one last hit before all the craziness starts next week."

"It is actually much needed."-Veronica said.

"I expect everyone to be there. V, invite the rest of the group. I won't be coming tomorrow."-Cheryl said.

"Wait, why?"-Josie said.

"I have a party to host, Josie."-Cheryl said, smiling big.

"So, I believe you go all out then?"-Betty said.

"Oh, you have no idea."-Cheryl said, bitting her lip.

"Cheryl, we're going to drink, right?"-Reggie said, desperate for a little booze.

"How could you possibly assume that we're not? But, the drinks are your job."-Cheryl said to the guys.

Cheryl had no plan to have a party. That didn't even cross her mind but she had to put all her anger somewhere. She was in the mood for a little destruction. Or a lot.

She went home later that day and kept expecting a text from Toni but she never got one. And there was no way she would text her first. Not after what happened at the diner. Deep down, Cheryl was mostly disappointed rather than angry. On Toni, on herself. She just didn't want to think about her but it was impossible. She couldn't wait to distract herself tomorrow night. 

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