Chapter 25(part two)

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Cheryl woke up in the hospital the next morning. The lights in the room were so bright, she could barely hold her eyes open. She turned her head to the side so she wasn't making direct contact to them. Outside of her room, she saw Toni talking to this girl. She looked sad and the other girl rubbed her shoulder in comfort. Cheryl didn't recognize her.

Toni looked at Cheryl's direction and she saw that she was awake.

"Hey, I need to go but thank you for coming and for the flowers. You didn't have to."-Toni said to Peach.

"No need to thank me, I wanted to be here for you. I just hope she gets better."-Peach said, hugging her.

Toni rushed to the room.

"Hey."-she said, putting a smile on for Cheryl, touching her face and then kissing her forehead.

"Hey, what happened?"-Cheryl said, rubbing the back of her head.

"You passed out last night. You hit your head to the floor and you weren't waking up."-Toni said to her.

"That's why it hurts. Ugh!"-Cheryl said.

"Is it too painful?"-Toni asked.

"A little."-Cheryl said.

"They are running some blood tests on you, just to make sure everything is okay. Then we can go home."-Toni said.

Cheryl simply nodded. She tried to pull Toni in for a kiss, she noticed and she leaned forward.

"Who was that?"-Cheryl asked, wanting to know who she was talking to before.

"That was Peach. I had to do a photo-shoot early today and I called to let her know that I wouldn't be able to be there. Then she showed up with flowers. She wishes you a fast recovery."-Toni said.

"That's nice of her."-Cheryl said, smiling.

"God babe, you scared me to death. What happened? You were so mad last night."-Toni asked.

"I-I don't know. I wasn't getting to where I wanted with this one chapter and I was stressed..."-Cheryl said.

Suddenly, their friends came into the room with flowers and 'get well soon' balloons. Fangs was even holding a big teddy bear.

"Okay, this is too much now. Guys, I fainted. I didn't come back from the dead."-Cheryl said.

Toni started laughing.

"I told you the bear was too much."-Kevin said to Fangs, taking it away from him. "Honestly, if you came back from the dead, we would most probably run from you."

Everyone was laughing and talking to Cheryl, making her feel better. Toni stepped out of the room for a second and Sweet Pea went after her.

"You okay?"-he asked her.

Toni let out a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, trying to hold her tears back.

"Yeah, seeing my girlfriend collapse to the ground and not wake up for a long time sure isn't on my 'okay' list."-Toni said, with her hands on her back pockets.

"Walk me through it, what the hell happened?"-Sweet Pea asked.

"She'd been working too much lately. She's always on the move and not letting herself rest. And I've been telling her but she doesn't listen. Or maybe I haven't said it enough. Ugh, I don't even know anymore."-Toni said, stressing out.

"Hey, Cheryl doesn't listen to anyone when her mind is set on something. It's not your fault."-he said to her.

"Yeah and her mother really topped things off yesterday."-Toni said.

"Wait, her mother was there?"-Sweet Pea asked, knowing the situation between them.

"She went to our apartment when I wasn't there, trying to show dominance and still control Cheryl. When I arrived, they were yelling at each-other. I could hear it from the hallway."-Toni said.

"Jesus. No wonder this happened."-Sweet Pea said. "Look Toni, you need to take her home and keep her far away from that woman as possible. She obviously still has a big impact on Cheryl. And she needs to rest. Good thing it's the weekend."

"If it was a work day, Cheryl would get up and leave for class right now."-Toni said, laughing at how dedicated her girlfriend was for everything.

"She's gonna be okay."-Sweet Pea said, hugging Toni.

By the afternoon, the girls went back home.

"You're on bed rest for a couple of days. Don't even try to get up."-Toni said to Cheryl, covering her with a blanket.

Cheryl was resting her back on the headboard, with her hair up in a bun.

"You're so dramatic."-Cheryl said to her.

"And you're very stubborn."-Toni said, laying close to her. "You're never pulling something like that ever again. Never sleeping, surviving off of coffee. And you need to take your anxiety pills, okay? Don't skip them. You heard what the doctor said."

"I love you. I'm fine. Stop worrying about me."-Cheryl said.

Toni put her arm around her and put her head on her shoulder.

"I'm just glad you're okay and sleeping with me again. This bed is too big for only me and Yoshi."-she said, wrapped around her girlfriend.

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