Chapter 37

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April 21st

Toni was officially part of David Gatsby's team and company since the beginning of April. He had seen that leadership and working well with people to create something big to the world, were on Toni's blood. She was very professional in every task she was given and she handled models with delicacy. Toni Topaz was definitely a name that Gatsby would mention a lot and be proud of.

The girls went back to Riverdale that same month to take some last tests. They didn't really need any college diploma since they were already going on different directions with their careers but they had spent three years there and they didn't want to leave it at that. Plus, their friends were still there and they had played a big part in both of their lives.

They were all sitting at the students lounge for the very last time. Everyone was mentioning something from the years before, causing flashbacks to happen for all of them.

"Do you remember how you two hated each-other?"-Jughead said to Cheryl and Toni.

"We didn't hate each-other."-Toni said.

"I'm pretty sure you did."-Jughead said and everyone either nodded or agreed with him with words.

"Well, that's what happens when you put two powerful girls together. Conflict."-Cheryl said.

"Oh, is that so?"-Kevin said, laughing.

"Yeah, definitely."-Cheryl said.

"That's probably why all of us used to fight."-Veronica said. "To think that Betty is one of my best friends now."

"Always, V."-Betty said, hugging her.

"I'm sorry but we have to talk about this."-Toni said, laughing and pointing at Sweet Pea and Josie.

"What?"-Josie said.

"Do you remember when we were in California and Sweet Pea used to talk our ears off about Josie?"-Fangs said to the girls.

"You're dead."-Sweet Pea said to him.

"You didn't tell her? Oh and Josie, we went to see a fortune teller and she told him that he's never gonna find love."-Fangs said, with his arm around Kevin.

"Well, she was obviously wrong."-Josie said, kissing him.

"Kevin, that woman was also sure that Fangs is going to marry a girl. He did tell you that, right?"-Sweet Pea said, knowing damn well that he hadn't.

Kevin turned to look at Fangs and he took his arm off him, and went to sit somewhere far from him, pretending that he was hurt and mad at him.

Everyone laughed at their reaction and Fangs begging him to talk again.

They also kept talking about how they broke almost every rule in their campus.

"It's surprising that we never got kicked out of here. We definitely should have."-Betty said.

"Yeah, some more than others."-Veronica laughed, looking at Archie.

"Well, that's what happens when you have an insider on the office."-Toni said, referring to Cheryl.

"These were three of the best years ever. Hands down."-Reggie said.

"Especially the last two years."-Toni said.

"I know I always complained but I agree. I don't know when I'm gonna have as much fun as I did with you, guys."-Archie said.

"Relax Archie, we're not dying."-Jughead said.

"Why do you always have to ruin every good moment?"-Betty said to him.

"He's too scared we're going to see that he actually has feelings."-Cheryl said.

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