Chapter 3

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A couple of weeks had passed since Cheryl had decided to improve the state she was at. She had someone clean her place, she started taking business calls and show up on meetings with her publishers. She never realized how fast life really went until she had stopped living it and therefore miss out on everything. 

"How's the book going, Cheryl?"-her manager, Luciano asked her once they were in Cheryl's office after an important meeting. 

Luciano was a famous and successful manager and had worked with the most popular writers and actors. Cheryl and him had met two years after her first book had come out and had shown big interest in working with Cheryl. Together they had put out two more books over the years. They trusted each-other and became really close. 

Cheryl had began writing her third book last year but a lot of things kept getting in the way so she kept putting it aside. 

"It's not...going. I haven't written anything in a while but..."-Cheryl began saying. 

"Look, I'm going to be honest with you because that's the only way we talk. People are starting to lose interest. They think that you've lost motivation, lost that part of you that got you here. I, of course, don't think that but I can't possibly convince anyone to feel otherwise."-Luciano said. 

"You know that..."-Cheryl said, wanting to mention what she's been going through.

"I know, okay? I do but they don't and they won't care. Agencies, publishers, they want work put out. And they don't want to feel like they're wasting money and time."-Luciano. "The second they have doubts about someone, they will drop them. They don't take risks."

"Tell them I do things on my own terms and my timing is more important than their. Haven't you learned that by now?"-Cheryl said, getting furious. 

"And you need to understand that I'm your manager, not a miracle worker. I can't force them to stay and invest more. Cheryl...we are a team. I want the best for you, even when that means that I have to push your boundaries."-Luciano said, getting up to leave and stopping at the door. "Make your comeback better than your setback." 

Cheryl took a book laying in her desk and threw it at the door angrily when her manager left. She didn't know which one was worse, hearing someone tell her that they're having doubts about her work or her actually agreeing with them. In her head at least, Cheryl would never admit she's scared of failing out-loud. But she was. Things weren't moving. 

She went home, sat down and began to write. She must've written and erased 100 paragraphs before giving up. Nothing felt right, good enough. Nothing was inspiring her. Cheryl knew she had to do something. If she didn't send the first few chapters in by the end of summer, things would get ugly. She hated getting told what to do or someone manage her work but she also knew all that came with her job. 

She picked up her phone and called her best friend. 

"Kevin, hey!"-Cheryl said, 

"Oh hi bombshell, I was just about to call you."-Kevin.

"Why?"-Cheryl asked.

"Just to talk, relax. How are you?"-Kevin.

"In need to go out. You interested?"-Cheryl.

"Yes, definitely. Are you in the mood to party?"-Kevin. 

"What do you have in mind?"-Cheryl.

"Come to my club tonight. A bunch of people are coming. Aria, Nina, Andrew, Lucas and everyone else."-Kevin. "We're planning on having way more fun than usual."

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