Chapter 10

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"Cheryl."-Malorie, the beautiful assistant that lectured her class called as the class had ended and all the students were leaving the class.

Toni looked at her and Cheryl, who was walking towards her professor's desk.

"Yes?"-Cheryl said, not knowing why she was asked to stay behind.

"I have a proposal for you. I don't know if you've been informed as head of the students community but things are changing around here. The dean is getting a raise and Ms. Grungy is taking her place. However, they need a vice dean and I've been elected as one."-Malorie kept explaining, happily.

Toni had told her friends that she'd join them later and had stayed behind to listen to what was going on.

"I need to do a representation next week. Presenting ideas of what I have in mind for our department, the future we want to build here and I definitely need a student to help me. You're my best in all three groups, so...what do you say?"-Malorie continued.

"I'm honored that you're picking me but how will that work? When do we have to work on the presentation and deal with everything else? I still have classes everyday."-Cheryl asked. She was panicking because with that much work on her hands, when would she have time to talk to Toni? It's not like they were together during the mornings so after classes were pretty much all they had.

"It's going to be a hard week, we'll have to work a lot, almost everyday but I think it'll be worth it when it's over. The faculty will be there as you present along side with me and that will win you some great points with the professors."-Malorie said.

Cheryl was about to say no to her. She knew she'd be exhausted and one week without Toni's attention? That didn't have a nice ring to it.

"I really need you, Cheryl."-Malorie practically begged.

Right as Cheryl agreed to it, Toni started walking towards them.

"I'm sorry, I was waiting for Cheryl. We have plans.."-Toni lied. "..and I heard about the project. Is there any way I could help?"

Cheryl gave her a weird look and then Toni nudged her so she'd stop and act natural.

"Thank you, Toni, but I think I'm all settled with Cheryl."-Malorie said, smiling at them.

"Are you sure? I mean, with all that work, we could really use her brain. Not shocking but she's pretty creative. We can use her ideas."-Cheryl said, wanting Toni on the team. Both the girls saw this as an opportunity and took it.

Malorie looked at both of them then said:

"Alright, sure. But this is very serious and important to me. As long as we work hard and as a team, this'll lead into something good."

The girls smiled. "Just don't accept anyone else from the students. Too many different ideas lead nowhere."-Toni said as they were walking out of the class.

"Oh my god!"-Cheryl said, stopping to look at Toni while smiling and observing her.

"I know, right? We totally persuaded her into our interest."-Toni said, oblivious.

"No. Oh my god as in, you're that jealous? You don't even like the school board and you volunteer here? Woah, I wasn't gonna sleep with her, Toni."-Cheryl teased her, laughing and walking away.

"What? No, shut up."-Toni said, being over protective. "I just didn't want to lose touch with you for that many days. Don't let it get over your head."

"Yeah, whatever you say."-Cheryl said, still laughing.

"Oh please. You wouldn't cheat on me, I'm way hotter than her. She's not my concern."-Toni said, winking at Cheryl as they went towards different hallways to meet with their friend. Cheryl didn't say anything. She just laughed and was happy that Toni just showed so much confidence. Plus, the idea of working with her and not having to hide from everyone else, pleased her.


"Was Toni Topaz wearing your clothes today?"-Veronica said, as soon as Cheryl sat down with them at students lounge.

"Oh my god! What are you up to now?"-Cheryl said, knowing well what her friend was talking about.

"She had your black blouse. The exact same."-Veronica said.

"So? They don't only make one blouse, V. She probably had the same one as me. Definitely not mine."-Cheryl said, lying. She was playing in her head that morning where both the girls woke up and were looking for clothes Toni could borrow since she didn't have any clothes with her and she couldn't exactly west the same exact outfit as the day before.

"Cheryl Blossom having the same clothes as someone else? That's a first."-Josie said.

"You guys are so weird. You look at those things?"-Archie jumped in the conversation.

"I wouldn't want to have the same clothing as someone else here, either."-Kevin said."But then again, I'm gay so of course I relate to the shit they do."

They all laughed a little.

"It's okay. I'll never wear it again, anyways."-Cheryl said. remembering that she told Toni to keep the top and not return it to her. She wanted something of hers to be stuck with the girl she really liked.

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