"Go ahead."

"Don't tell anybody about what we are saying right now. Not even Stig. I've been keeping your promise as to what Frida is like in bed so I want to make things even."

"Fair point. I won't tell a soul. You know that, Björn."

"Ok. Anyways, she really was like a wild animal. A complete sex bomb if you ask me. The best sex I've ever had in my entire life."

"Well, I'm happy for you, man," Benny said while patting Björn's right shoulder.

"Anyways, I was wondering..."


"Perhaps we should get together on a double date. You know, me and you with Agnetha and Frida."

"That sounds like fun. Perhaps we should do it this Saturday at 6:30 at the Italian place not too far from here?"

"That sounds perfect! I'll let Agnetha know!"

"Looking forward to it!"

Later that night, Björn was back at his apartment rearranging some of the things in his living room and cooking himself some dinner. He was missing Agnetha, even though it has only been about two days since he had last seen her and heard her voice. However, he couldn't take it anymore. He just had to call Agnetha and see how she's doing and hear her voice. But more importantly, tell her about the double date that he and Benny had arranged. He picked up the phone and dialed Agnetha's number and heard it ring for about ten seconds until she picked up on the other line.

"Hello?" A young angelic, female voice answered.

"Hey, Agnetha. It's me."

"Oh hi, Björn! How are you? I was hoping you would call."

"I'm good. I've been busy doing some songwriting work with Benny and now I'm at home trying to rearrange some of my furniture and my old records. And I'm cooking dinner."

"Sounds nice. I just finished cooking my own dinner. And I'm watching TV."

"What did you make?"

"Just some chicken parmesan. What are you making?"

"Chicken stir fry," Björn replied. Just then, the smoke detectors started to go off.

"What was that?!" Agnetha said, starting to panic a bit.

"Hold on. Don't hang up," Björn said.

Björn went over to the chicken stir fry he was making and moved it around a little while turning down the stove and opening the window, thus turning the smoke detectors off. From there, everything was back to normal. He quickly got back on the phone.

"It's ok babe. It's all good now," Björn said, reassuring Agnetha.

"What happened?"

"I nearly set my kitchen on fire. That's what happened," Björn laughed, making a joke out of what happened. Luckily, Agnetha was able to get his joke.

"Silly you!" Agnetha exclaimed, laughing as well.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it, babe?"

"Remember I told you the other night about possibly going on a double date with Benny and his girlfriend?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well it's happening!"

"For real?"

"Yeah, this Saturday. At that Italian place not too far from the recording studio where Benny and I work. I can pick you up."

Agnetha and Bjorn: The Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora