That- that might've not been the smartest decision.

Those two box towers he was crammed in between?

They fell.

Big plastic totes hit the ground with an earsplitting crash as they tumbled to the ground, and he winced as the shattering sound of glass sounded from one of them as he fell back onto the ground, hand still triumphantly grasping the life-sized zombie dummy, it's left arm hanging by threads, the plastic knives and fake gore covering the thing shining in the single, bulbed light above him.

The glass tinkled, muffled by the boxes.




"Lance? You better not be breaking anything. Did you find something?"

Um, sure, sure, yeah, he totally didn't just break something-

"Yeah, I found the old stuffed zombie we used to wrestle with as kids, you want that?" He shouted back up, thanking every god he could think of for not letting him get crushed under the boxes now scattered on the floor as he carefully got back to his feet, dusting off his pants and grabbing the Halloween decoration with a firmer grip as he hoisted it under one arm before making his way to the closet door-

The glorious, glorious, door.

His ears strained to pick up Rachelle's shouted "Yeah" from upstairs, footsteps moving further into the house as Lance struggled to close the door behind him before then attempting to lug the zombie/dummy/thing up the stairs without tearing the thing's arm completely off (he was surprised it hadn't fallen off yet), finally deciding to hoist the musty-smelling thing over his shoulder to make it up the last few steps, catching sight of his sister stringing up the last of the cobwebs all over the spookified living room, he could see his mom place a few plastic spiders in the punch bowl in the kitchen, snacks already spread out over the counters, everything looking very Halloween-y.

"Did you guys know there's a body in the closet?" he asked in a neutral tone, watching his sister with a smirk as she whirled around with a confused expression before catching sight of the stuffed Halloween decoration, the confusion in her eyes quickly morphing into an amused glimmer at what was still hoised over one shoulder.

Lance didn't remember this thing being so heavy before-

"Well, since you found it, the body should go over there," Rachel chuckled, pointing to the nearby sofa, and Lance gratefully plopped the thing down with a sigh, arranging the arms neatly in its lap, its big zombie head drooping to one side.

It was good enough for him.

He finally plopped down next to the dummy with a sigh, neck straining as he pressed his head about as far as it would go into the cushion, closing his eyes. When was Hunk going to get here? He'd been hauling boxes for a while now, covering almost the entire house in spooky-themed spiders, snakes, and zombies to make the place look more fitting for a party (why did you think he was dying in that closet in the first place? Looking for Easter decorations?!).

Almost right on cue to his thoughts, the sound of a horn echoed from outside, Lance's head shot up to catch a glimpse of Hunk waiting for him, the minivan's lights shining as the sun continued to sink into the horizon, the sky alight with oranges and bright reds.

"Ma, Hunk's here!" he shouted over his shoulder, rushing to grab his jacket and sliding the fabric over his arms.

"¡Será mejor que vuelvas después de la fiesta de Rachel, hijo!" He caught his mother's shout from the kitchen.

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