Chapter 56

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A/n: had to update because these two goons went to the Love Yourself: Speak Yourself final concert together. (RIP the LY era... you will be missed 😭😭)


Chapter 56

*Minhyun's pov*

The next time I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was the faint smell of the sea.

Where were we?

I froze when I heard a door bang open, and my first instinct was to pretend I was still passed out.

To be honest, considering the amount of pain I was in, I was a bit surprised that I was awake.

A few pairs of footsteps neared me, and I tried to slow down my breathing, which was proving to be a bit difficult...

Oh... I forgot that Sungwoon had stomped down on my chest. I probably had a few broken ribs... maybe even a punctured lung.

"Fuck, Ha, I told you not to kill him..."

"His chest is still moving, which is a clear sign that he's still alive..."

"Did I ask for you to speak back to me?"

"Sorry, sir."

"Your damn mouth is going to get you in trouble one day," Mason Choi's voice boomed in my ear. "How long has he been out?"

"A few hours. He woke up at one point, but I took care of that," Sungwoon said, and Mason hummed.

"How pitiful Minhyun looks," he cooed, making my blood run cold as he gently stroked my cheek. "You told The Company the address, correct?"

"Yes I did. They should be arriving anytime soon..."

"Did you ensure that Amelia will be here?" Mason cut Sungwoon off, and I froze.


Amelia can't come here.

Amelia, you can't come! It's a trap! They're using me to get you.

I'm okay... please don't come here. I can't protect you if you do.

Sungwoon let out a heavy sigh, and I knew it was over. "Knowing Amelia, nothing will stop her from coming, especially after I sent her those photos of Minhyun."

Sungwoon sent her photos?

Amelia saw me in this condition?

Amelia, I am so sorry. I promise I'm okay, just please please please don't come here.

I knew my silent pleas were no use, and my stomach lurched when Mason let out an excited cry.

"Ooh! They've arrived! Let's go have some fun with Minhyun's girl... it's a shame he isn't conscious to witness this, but oh well, the show must go on!" He exclaimed. "Sungwoon, are you coming?"

"Give me a few moments, sir. Don't you think we should bring Minhyun? We can mess with Amelia's emotions before you take her out... and maybe we can even get Minhyun awake to see it," my friend murmured, and it surprised me to hear him like that. If I didn't know any better, I would almost believe that he was actually on the CYA's side.

Mason let out a loud laugh, and I almost blew my cover, but quickly stopped myself before I could wince. "What a brilliant idea! Can you manage him on your own?"

"Yes, sir."

"Great. Don't take too long because I'd love to be done with Amelia before the sun rises."

The sound of retreating footsteps slowly faded away, and we must've been left completely alone because all of a sudden, someone dropped down beside me.

"Minhyun... Minhyun, are you awake? Can you hear me? I promise this is almost over, just hang in there. We have a plan... and Amelia should know about it by now. I left clues... and she should've been told before she came... I promise this is going to end tonight, okay, so please hang in there. Just a little longer, and then we'll get you help," Sungwoon whispered, and I slowly cracked open my eyes.

"Hyung... you..." I croaked, and he quickly shook his head.

"I don't care about my cover being blown... I'm tired of acting like I'm a CYA member, and I hate the person I've become because of it. I am a proud member of The Company, and it's about damn time I showed it.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps hit my ears, and I glanced at Sungwoon as they seemed to be coming in our direction. He seemed to be as confused as I was, and I froze as someone suddenly barged in.

Fuck, we're doomed.

"Leadernim asked me to help," a familiar voice panted, and my eyes shot open.

"Minki?" I cried, fear running through me as my fellow group member ran towards me. "What are you doing? You can't..."

"Always so worried for everyone except yourself," he shook his head, kneeling beside me. "Good thing Jonghyun isn't here... he'd absolutely freak out."

"He should be on his way," Sungwoon pointed out, and Minki let out a low curse. "Alright, let's get him up," he said, and before I knew it, the two of them got me up to my feet and were dragging me out of the room.

"What... what is going on?" I asked, and the two glanced at each other before Sungwoon shrugged.

"Everything will be explained later... for now, just let things happen. We can't have you blowing our cover, especially after how much planning went into this."

"And for everyone's sake, please pretend like you're still unconscious. Everything will go a lot smoother if we don't have to deal with an angry Mason Choi," Minkin added, winking in my direction.

I wanted to protest, but Sungwoon cut in before I had a chance.

"Minhyun, just trust us, okay? We have a plan, and we just need you to go along with it. I'm sorry we don't have time to explain it all to you, but the only chance we have of making it out of here alive is if everything goes according to plan. I promise we'll explain everything later, but for now, please just trust us."

I still wanted to argue, but I realized we were approaching the rest of the CYA members. My friends were right; there was no time.

"Will everything be over after this?" I mumbled, not missing the uneasy look Sungwoon shot in Minki's direction.


"Alright, then all I can do is trust you," I sighed, letting my eyes fall shut.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Minki exclaimed, and before Sungwoon or I could question it, a sharp pain suddenly surged through my arm. I let out a cry in pain, and Minki shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, Hyunnie, but I figured you'd like some pain killers. Sungwoon hyung was supposed to get you all drugged up earlier, but this will have to do. Hopefully it sets in soon, because you might need it..."

"He's definitely going to need it," Sungwoon muttered. "Alright," he sighed as we neared a large group of people. "It's show time."

Amelia, I really hope this all ends tonight. I can only hope and pray you won't throw yourself in danger when I can't help you.

Please please please please PLEASE don't do anything stupid, and for the love of all things, please stay alive.

I'll try my best to do so, too.

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