Chapter 48

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MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR warning for this chapter. Please proceed with caution because this chapter mentions the attempted rape/ sexual harassment much more than the past few chapters. I even felt creeped out when I was writing it. (Also, I'm trying something different with the formatting, so IDK how this is going to look when I post it.)

Also, I apologize if I'm being annoying about this, but please check out my new fic called 'BTS Short Stories'. I'm also trying to write another bts fanfic, but we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!



Chapter 48

"Class, this is Andrew, and he'll be joining us for the rest of the year."

I glanced up from the notebook I was doodling in, only to make eye contact with the new student.

Oh, he was cute.

"Andrew, why don't you go take a seat next to Amelia?" The teacher asked, and my eyes widened. "Amelia, please raise your hand."

I awkwardly raised my hand, my face heating up when he smiled brightly at me. He began walking towards my table, and the girls around me erupted in quiet giggles and whispered.

"He's so cute!"

"Gosh, she's so lucky!"

"Omg, did you see his smile? So adorable!"

"Hi," Andrew grinned, taking a seat next to me. I weakly smiled back, nodding my head lightly.

"H-hello," I mumbled, quickly turning my attention back to the front of the room.

"Are you korean?" He suddenly asked, making me jump.

I quickly turned to look at him, surprised when I realized he was looking at my notebook. "Um, y-yeah," I stuttered, turning back to my notes from that day's lesson.

"So am I," he hummed, leaning back in his chair. "Andrew Min, or Min Seong Yeon, but I prefer to be called Andrew."

"I'm j-just Amelia K-Kim," I replied, and he raised his eyebrow, a curious expression growing on his features.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked, and my eyes widened.

"N-no," I stammered, shaking my head quickly. "I'm just a v-very quiet p-person," I admitted, hoping he would stop talking to me and focus on the lesson.

It didn't happen. "Well, just Amelia Kim, we're going to change that. Since I'm new here, I need some friends, and I think you'd make a lovely first friend," he said, finally turning to face the front of the room. "Please take care of me," he added in Korean, and I just knew my cheeks were probably bright red.

What just happened?


"Who was that?"

I had just said goodbye to Andrew, only to find Ryan waiting outside of my school with his car parked right behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to avoid the question. Ryan raised an eyebrow at me, but before he could say anything, I quickly walked past him, opening the passenger door to his car.

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