Chapter 26

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"Ch-Ch-Choi Mason?" I stuttered, my eyes wide in shock.

    Minhyun nodded, wincing at my reaction.

    "B-b-but he's..."

    "Dead?" he cut in, shaking his head. "That's what I thought, but tonight proved me wrong. I didn't want to believe it, but after hearing his voice, I knew it was him."

    "But what about that night we met? Jihoon shot him... he was dead!" I exclaimed and Minhyun looked down with a guilty expression. "Minhyun..."

    "After tonight, it's quite clear that Jihoon didn't actually kill him..." he began, but Mrs. Park's voice filled the room again.

    "I'm sorry to interrupt, but are you suggesting that my son..." I could hear a hint of anger in her voice, and Minhyun's eyes went wide.

    "Oh gosh, no! I would n-never!" he stuttered quickly. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Park! I swear I..." he was rambling, and I could see the panic in his eyes. "I'm so sorry!"

    Mrs. Park sighed. "No, it should be me apologizing to you. It's been a long night... I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, so I'm sorry, Minhyun," she sounded guilty.

    "I'm sorry," Minhyun apologized. This boy was honestly too precious for this world. Why did life have to be so cruel to him? "I only meant that Jihoon didn't shoot Choi Mason, but rather he shot his twin brother, Choi Jinsoo," he admitted quietly. "I'm sorry I never brought this up. I would've, but I completely forgot he had a twin," he looked guilty. "Mason only mentioned Jinsoo a few times, and it completely slipped my mind. I should've known, that night we first met, because he didn't recognize me or say anything to me. I guess I was too shocked to realize... ugh!" he exclaimed loudly, banging his head on the table. "Why am I such an idiot? I'm such a screw up... how could I forget?!"

    "Minhyun, it's ok," I leaned over the table to pat his shoulder. "You're not an idiot. We're only human; we can't always be perfect. The good thing is that you told us now, so now we know. None of this is your fault, so don't beat yourself up over this."

    He let out a heavy sigh, lifting his head up from the table, slightly. "The Choi twins are descendents of the Choi family who cofounded the CYA. Jinsoo was older, but Mason was the heir because he proved to be much stronger, both physically and mentally. There were some complications during their birth, and while Mason recovered completely, Jinsoo wasn't so lucky. His lungs and kidneys were weak, and he wasn't expected to live long. It was practically a miracle that he survived into his mid 20s, but I'm not too surprised. The Chois took any and every precaution to keep him healthy, which basically meant keeping him in solitary confinement. The CYA also has some of the best medical resources in the world. The Chois wouldn't have sent him on a suicide mission unless something was up. I'm assuming Jinsoo was a ticking time bomb at that point, and from the few times I've met him, I could tell he seemed like the kind of person who didn't like uncertainty. If he was going to die, he wouldn't want to sit around and wait for it. Maybe he wanted to do something meaningful for once in his life," Minhyun paused for a moment. "As for Choi Mason, I don't even know what to say about him. You can't read him at all; he has perfected the art of hiding his emotions. He knew everything about me and yet I knew close to nothing about him; however, I still trusted him completely. I looked up to Choi Mason as a role model, and everyone knew it. I was Choi Mason's prodigy, as everyone liked to call me..." he trailed off, wincing, "I just want this all to be over," he groaned.

    "We all do, but don't worry, we'll end this. I promise," I said softly.

    "I hope so," he nodded.

    "Is there anything else you can tell us?" Mrs. Park's voice asked, and he shook his head slowly.

    "Not that I can remember at the moment, but I'll let you know right away if I remember anything," he said.

    "Alright, then I think you're good to go," she said, and I stood up.

    I held out my hand for him to take, which he gladly did, standing up as well. "You want to go back to the dorm?"

    He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "Can we go somewhere?" he asked quietly, and I almost didn't hear him.

    I squeezed his hand, nodding. "Of course we can," I reassured him.

    We exited the interrogation room and Hyunbin immediately pulled Minhyun away from me, hugging him tightly.

    "I am so sorry you had to go through all of that," Hyunbin whispered, and I could see his shoulders shaking slightly. "I should've been there for you... I should've protected you..."

    "Hyung," Minhyun cut him off, pulling away so he could look Hyunbin in the eyes. "None of this is your fault. We can't do anything about what has already happened. Please don't blame yourself or feel guilty. I'm ok now," Minhyun smiled weakly, and Hyunbin nodded slowly.

    "I'm still sorry..." he sighed before smacking Minhyun's arm repeatedly. "How dare you hide that accident from me! I knew there was something fishy about the whole thing! Aigo, now I need to scold Jaehee for not telling me!" he exclaimed and Minhyun chuckled. "I had a feeling that could've been pretty bad for me had you not jumped in between, but I'm also angry at you for risking your life like that!" he glared.

    "Hyung, I told you, I'm fine. Really, I knew he wouldn't be able to kill me, so it's fine... What matters is that we're both alright."

    Hyunbin nodded, running his hand through his hair. "Aigo, you're right. Aish, when did my dongsaeng become so smart?" he ruffled Minhyun's hair, much to the latter's annoyance. "Alright, we've held you here long enough. Thank you for opening up tonight, Minhyunie. I promise we will end this soon; now that I know what they did to my dongsaeng, the CYA better watch out," he hissed. "Now get out of here, you two. You both deserve a break... and be careful. Amelia really shouldn't be out of the hospital," he gave me a pointed look and I rolled my eyes.

    "We'll be fine, Hyunbin. It's not like we're leaving to have crazy wild sex in my office..." both Hyunbin and Minhyun's jaws dropped open. "That's what the car is for," I joked, biting my lip to keep myself from smiling.

    "WHAT?!" both boys yelled, their eyes going wide.

    Minhyun ended up choking on his spit, which resulted in a coughing fit. His face was turning bright red as he tried to catch his breath.

    "Oh my god!" I began hitting his back gently. "I was just joking!"

    "Not funny, Kim," Hyunbin glared and I shrugged.

    "No, it was pretty damn hilarious."

    "I'm telling Jaehwan," Minhyun croaked after his coughing died down, and it was my turn to go wide eyed.

    "Don't you dare!"

    "Watch me!" he teased. "I wonder what Kim Jaehwan will say when he finds out his sister is a sex addicted FREAK!"

    "Yah!" I smacked his arm. He winced in pain, but was laughing. "I'll get Sarah to drug you!"

    "You wouldn't!" he gasped dramatically, still laughing.

    "Oh I would!"

    Hyunbin rolled his eyes, pushing us towards the door. "You two need sleep. Go rest, you deserve it."

    Minhyun took my hand in his, pulling me along.

    "Come on, Miss Kim, I want you to meet someone."

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