Chapter 47

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3 updates in 3 days! I've been really motivated by seeing all of the solo activities planned for our boys. Call me butter because I'm on a roll! *cringe* I'm sorry, that was terrible...

This chapter is pretty long to make up for the last one, and I hope you guys like it. I'm not too sure about the ending, but we'll see.

Still going to give a warning. Its not really mentioned in this chapter, but just to be safe.

Also, please check out my new fic called 'BTS Short Stories'! I have 4 short stories already posted, and they're all pretty long in length!

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!



Chapter 47

    The plan for tonight was simple.
    Sungwoon and Jihoon were tasked with sneaking to the control room to shut down all of the cameras in the building. Once they completed that, Jihoon would sneak to the main office and gather whatever information he could find while Sungwoon kept watch.
    As for Minhyun and Seongwoo, they were the distraction. They had to ensure that Sungwoon and Jihoon had enough time to finish their task.
    We were also going to try to lure Min Seong Yeon to a secluded area so we could capture him without causing a scene, and that's where I came in. This was the reason Ryan was so worried about tonight; I was to be the lurer. I had to capture Seong Yeon's attention, and I was going to do so with help from the 95 liners.
    The plan for tonight was simple, but we'd be fools if we believed that acting it out would be just as easy.
    "Be careful, okay?" Minhyun murmured in my ear as we entered the club. "Of course, Seongwoo and I will always have our eye on you, and so will Sungwoon, but there will be times when you're alone. Don't do anything too rash if Min Seong Yeon approaches you."
    "I know," I said, glancing around the packed club. "I know what he's capable, believe me."
    "Good. I'm not doubting your skills or anything, it's mostly to make myself feel better about leaving you alone," he commented, leading me towards an empty table. "I don't like that we're just handing you over to a man who had clearly hurt you."
    I glanced up at him, frowning at his expression. His lips were pursed, and I could see the disagreement written on your face. "Minhyun, it's okay..."
    "Oh, I know. You're not someone who should be messed with. If anything, you're going to make him regret coming after you," he cut me off, and I bit my lip because now was definitely not a good time to smile. "Like I said, this is nothing against your skills or capability to do this. I'm just reassuring myself that I can do this and not blow the whole operation by freaking out if he approaches you."
    As I looked up at my boyfriend, who was subtly glancing around the club (probably searching for Min Seong Yeon), nothing but love for the man surged through me. It was still a wonder how I got so lucky, but I wasn't going to let anything take him away from me. I had never felt this way about a guy before, but I could 100% say that I was in love with Hwang Minhyun. "I love you," I said, smiling when his eyes went wide.
    "Amelia..." he breathed, and the shock on his features was just too adorable.
    Before he could say anything else, I grabbed the collar of his jacket, pulling him in for a quick kiss. "I'm serious," I whispered, kissing him once more before pulling away.
    "I love you too," he grinned, goofily. "Now, although you were over here distracting me from our operation, I located Min. He's in the VIP section to your left. Don't look now, though, he's already looking in our direction," Minhyun muttered, plastering a bright smile on his lips. I guess it's time to get this started. Ong, you listening?" He suddenly asked, and I let out a small laugh when I heard an exasperated sigh.
    "Am I listening? I've been listening this whole entire time! You two are so gross, I've almost vomited 3 times!"
    "You've almost vomited 3 times? I actually did vomit a little. This is the cheesiest shit I've ever heard, and once we leave here, I think I need to burn my ears," Sungwoon gagged, and I rolled my eyes.
    "You two just keep talking shit, but don't be mad when I throw it all back at you whenever you two get a girl... if y'all ever get a girl, that is," I snickered, high fiving Minhyun lightly.
    The two made offended sounds, but before either of them could protest, Minhyun quickly spoke up again. "You ready, Ong?" He asked, shooting me an amused look.
    "Yup yup! Don't worry, Hwang, I'll keep your girl safe," Seongwoo stated, and I could just hear the smugness in his tone.
    "I think I can keep myself safe, thank you very much," I scoffed, and Seongwoo let out a chuckle.
    "Are we not going to talk about the fact that the unathletic hyung is the one protecting noona?" Jihoon piped up, and I snickered and Minhyun's unamused expression.
    "Why, do you wish you were the one protecting her?" He threw back. "You'd have to act sexy with her... do you think you can do it?"
    "I-I-I... WHAT?!" Jihoon stammered, and I was about to tell Minhyun to knock it off when Sungwoon suddenly spoke up.
    "Listen kid, if you like Amelia, believe me when I tell you you're just wasting your time. I would know," he said, thankfully in a playful tone. "After all, I would know better than anyone else."
    "I d-d-don't l-l-like Amelia n-n-noona..."
    ""Guys, please focus," Minhyun cut Jihoon off, sticking his tongue out at me when I rolled my eyes. "Babe, I'm gonna go get us some drinks, okay? I'll be right back," he winked, kissing my lips before disappearing into the crowd.
    "Amelia, I'm going to sneak up on you, okay?" Seongwoo asked, and I hummed in response.
    "Okay. Wait until Minhyun is facing the bar."
    Just to be an ass, Minhyun turned back around and winked at me, laughing when I exaggeratedly rolled my eyes. I waved my hand at him, motioning for him to turn back around, and the moment he did, a hand wrapped around my waist, making me jump.
    I spun around, quickly, only to find a smug Seongwoo staring at me. "Hey, doll," he drawled, and I had to stop myself from gagging. "Can I just say you are the hottest babe in this club," he winked, and this time, I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.
    "Flattering," I deadpanned, pushing his hand away from my waist. "I assume you've been keeping your eye on me, so I'm sure you also saw the guy I was with, not even a minute ago..."
    "He doesn't have to know. It can be our little secret."
    "And what exactly could be our little secret?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
    Seongwoo shrugged, lazily leaning against the table. "I don't know, whatever you want, babe. Your wish is my command."
    "What if my wish is for you to leave me alone?" I shot back, biting my lip when Seongwoo's eyes widened for a moment.
    His shock didn't last long, however, as a devilish grin quickly grew on his lips.
    "I don't think I can do that, babe. You're too perfect for me to let you slip away like that."
    "Alright, well you might wanna slip away now cuz I'm on my way back," Minhyun's voice rang through my ears, and I immediately glanced over Seongwoo's shoulder.
    I looked back at Seongwoo, plastering a mock frown on my lips. "Well, I hate to tell you that you should probably grant my wish now. My boyfriend is coming back, and I'm sure he wouldn't be pleased to see you here," I sighed, and Seongwoo glanced over his shoulder before hissing slightly.
    "Damn it. Don't worry, babe, I'll be back before the night is over. Maybe you can think about an actual wish you want me to grant... judging by the looks of your boytoy, I highly doubt he's able to please you the way I could. Bye, gorgeous, try not to miss me while I'm gone," he said, sneaking off into the crowd just before Minhyun returned to the table.
    "Here you go, love," he grinned, handing me a drink. "Did I just see a man at this table?" He asked, taking a sip of his own drink.
    "No, it must've been a table ahead of ours," I shrugged, lifting the glass and taking a sip. As soon as the liquid hit my throat, I immediately coughed, shutting my eyes. "That's disgusting. What the hell is that?" I choked, glaring at Minhyun when I noticed his amused expression.
    "Pickle juice," he smirked, and my eyes widened.
    "What?!" I cried, pushing the drink away from me. "Why would you even..."
    "It was on the menu, and I just asked for it to be virgin," he snickered, passing me his cup. "Here, this is water."
    "Hwang Minhyun, you better watch your back. I might just let my brother chop all your hair off," I muttered, taking a sip of his water.
    "Love you too, babe," he grinned.
    Minhyun and Seongwoo continued to take turns staying with me, but we weren't having much luck in gaining Min Seong Yeon's attention. At one point, we even had Sungwoon come visit me, and although I felt a little guilty that the guys made him flirt with me, it was all worth it in the end.
    After Sungwoon left, Seongwoo had informed me that he saw Seong Yeon staring in my direction, and he seemed intrigued.
    "I'm heading to the bathroom," I announced, shocking Minhyun. "Let me know if he follows."
    "Amelia, I don't think..."
    "What other chance do we have? We have to do something before he loses interest in our little game. If he doesn't follow me, we might as well call this a bust," I shrugged, slipping away before he could talk me out of it.
    It was while I was washing my hands when I got the message from Jihoon.
    "Noona, be careful. He's waiting right outside of the bathroom."
    I froze, taking a deep breath before shutting off the faucet. "Where is the closest exit?" I asked, trying to prepare myself.
    This was actually happening. I was actually going to face Min Seong Yeon.
    "There's actually an exit right by the bathroom. It leads you out to the back alley."
    "I'm going to try to get him to follow me out there. How fast do you think you guys can get there?" I asked, not liking the fact that I was instantly met with silence. "Guys?"
    "I don't like this, Amelia," Minhyun said, and the rest of the guys murmured in agreement.
    "Okay, but what other choice do we have?" I asked, and the guys stayed quiet.
    I was surprised when Ryan was the one to speak up next. "Realistically speaking, you'd be alone for a max of 5 minutes... but 5 minutes can be a long time to be alone with that bastard..."
    "I have faith in y'all to get there quicker than 5 minutes," I cut him off, taking one final deep breath. "Better start running, boys, cuz I'm about to meet with Andrew Min."
    I didn't wait to hear any more protests from the guys, but instead, I began heading towards the exit of the bathroom. Once I left, I immediately ran into our target, making me jump back in surprise.
    "Um, excuse me," I bowed my head, trying to push past him. At first, I thought he was just going to let me go, but as soon as my back was to him, he immediately grabbed my arm, whipping me around to face him.
    "What's a pretty lady like yourself doing here alone?" He asked, sending shivers down my spine as he stroked his hand up my arm.
    "Um, I'm not... I'm not here alone..." I stuttered, hoping the guys thought I was acting and not actually nervous. "My b-boyfriend is probably waiting for m-me..." I tried to pull away, but I guess he didn't like that seeing as he harshly pulled me back, slamming me up against a wall. I let out a gasp as he swooped in, his face only inches away from mine. "Wh-what are you doing?" I stammered, and he let out a laugh.
    "I've been watching you all night," he drawled, bringing his hand up under my chin. I tensed up at the contact, which he seemed to like. "I think your boyfriend can wait a little longer... or were you talking about the other man that kept visiting you while your little boyfriend's back was turned? Or maybe you were talking about both... or perhaps I should say all three. You seemed pretty close with those three boys, so I'm actually quite curious as to what your relationship with all of them is," My heartbeat sped up, and I tried my best to hide my shock. I stayed quiet, and he instantly grabbed my wrist, squeezing it tightly.
    "Ow!" I hissed, trying to pull away, but his hold only became tighter. "You're hurting me."
    "Don't think I don't know who you are," he hissed, and I let out a gasp when he reached up, snatching the earpiece right from me. My eyes widened when he snapped it to pieces with just his bare hands, dropping the crumbled pieces fall in an almost mocking manner. He let out a loud laugh, his eyes narrowing. "Well, well, well, it is quite the honor to see you again, Miss Kim. I must say you have certainly matured since I last saw you... you're much more beautiful in person, I hope you know."
    "P-person?" I asked, and his eyes brightened, eerily.
    "Oh, if course. Did you really think I was going to allow my most sought out target to just slip from my grasps? I couldn't wait to have my way with you, and I'll finally get to have you."
    I had been paralyzed in fear, but the moment he said 'have my way with you', it was like something snapped. I felt an unfamiliar power surge through me, and before he could say anything else, I brought my knee up, hitting his private area as hard as I could manage. It must have been enough to cause damage because he doubled over in pain, and his hold on my wrist loosened a bit. Just enough for me to escape from his grasp.
    In one quick maneuver, I spun his arm around, pulling my wrist from his hand. He tried to grab me, but I quickly dodged, punching him right in the jaw. He stumbled backward, holding onto the wall for support before lunging at me again. This time, I wasn't quick enough.
    "You bitch!" He yelled, tackling me to the ground. Before we landed, I managed to elbow him in the ribs, wincing when I heard a few cracks. He let out a yelp in pain, and I was able to roll away from him.
    I quickly pushed myself up, panting heavily as I tried to re catch my breath. My eyes closed for one second, which was a big mistake because the next thing I knew, I was being slammed up against the wall. Pain surged through the back of my head, and I let out a cry as my head began to pound.
    "How is a weak little girl like you supposed to take over a gang when you can't even last long in a fight?" He panted, a smirk on his lips.
    I slowly looked up at him, smiling back at him. "Like this," I spat, headbanging him in one quick shot.
    The moment our heads collided, he stumbled back a bit, and I took that chance to throw another punch.
    I threw punch after punch, but at one point, I had to stop myself when he began laughing crazily.
    "The little princess has a lot of pent up anger," he mused, turning his head to spit out some blood. "Keep going, princess. I can take whatever you throw at me. The only damage you're doing is tiring yourself out."
    "I think you'd be surprised at what I can manage now," I shot back, and was about to punch him again when he let out another laugh.
    "Let's see how you manage after this," he grinned wickedly, suddenly dropping something to the ground.
    As soon as it hit the ground, it shattered to pieces and immediately emitted a thick, white smoke. My eyes widened, as his grin grew.
    "Have fun surviving this," he said as the smoke quickly filled up the hallway. "Your gang might need information from me, but why should I give it to them when I can take you out with me?"
    I began coughing as the smoke filled my lungs, and I tried to run and escape, but I couldn't even move. When I tried to move, I only fell to the floor, landing with a thud. The smoke was entering my body at an alarming rate, and I was completely terrified as I felt everything begin to slow down. I knew I had to escape somehow, but I couldn't even move a muscle.
    As things began fading away, the sound of footsteps rang through my ears, but I couldn't tell if they were real or if it was my imagination. I mustered all of my strength to lift my head, resisting the urge to throw up as everything began to spin around.
    My head fell back down to the floor, and a faint 'Amelia' was the last thing I heard before everything blacked out.

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