Chapter 5

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(From now on, all dialogue will be in Korean. Korean was italicized last chapter)

Jaehwan POV-


    The loud screech startled me, and I nearly fell out of my bed. I pushed myself up a little and cracked open my eyes, the bright light instantly giving me a headache. I saw Minhyun hyung standing over me and he was frowning, so I knew I was about to get scolded.

    "What do you want, hyung" I mumbled, allowing myself to fall back to my pillow, shutting my eyes.

    "I went to look for my ipod and guess where it was? UNDER YOUR UNDERPANTS! That is disgusting!" Hyung began to scold, and I tried to block him out by putting my pillow over my head.

    "Hyung shut up and let me sleep" I whined.

    Everything went silent and I let out a sigh in relief. I can worry about his nagging later.

Or so I thought.

All of a sudden, my duvet was ripped away from me and my pillow was stolen as well.

"Yah! Get up you lazy bum!" Minhyun screeched and began hitting me with the pillow. "Don't you have any self respect?! Why can't you just clean up after yourself for ONCE!"

"Hyung... Hyung... OW! Hyung stop hitting me I'm sorry! It's not my fault that you left your ipod where my underwear just so happened to land! Now leave me alone, it's too early for this!"

"Yah you brat!" the next thing I knew, Minhyun hyung freaking pounced on me, still beating me with the pillow.

"Help me!" I cried out, beginning to thrash around. "Someone save me from this psycho!"

"What are you two doing?" a voice sounded from the doorway and we both froze. Turning to look at the doorway, we saw Jisung hyung leaning against the wall, an amused smirk on his face.

"Jaehwan's underwear were on top of my ipod!" Minhyun exclaimed and Jisung sighed.

"Jaehwan, you really need to start cleaning up after yourself..." Jisung shook his head and Minhyun let out a victory cry. "And Minhyun..." Minhyun became silent. "You really need to stop scolding members this early in the morning."

I made eye contact with Minhyun and stuck my tongue out at him. He seemed about ready to strangle me, but Jisung stepped in.

"I swear all of you are children." he groaned and pulled Minhyun off of me.

"That's why you're our eomma." I smiled innocently at him and he rolled his eyes as he shoved me off the bed. I landed with a thud, causing Woojin to let out a giggle. He had been sitting on his own bed with his earbuds in, and was ignoring us because it was normal to see me and Minhyun arguing.

"Get ready. We have rehearsal in an hour. Then we have some interviews and later tonight, we're meeting with Jihoon's family for dinner." Jisung informed us, looking over at Woojin.

Startled by the attention, Woojin sat up straight, taking out his earbuds. "Why are you looking at me like that, hyung?" he asked quietly and Jisung smirked.

"We'll be meeting Carolyn tonight, so I suggest you wear something nice."

Woojin went bright red, causing all three of us to start laughing, my laughter overshadowing theirs, as expected.

"You guys suck." Woojin muttered and I pushed myself off the floor and jumped onto his bed.

"But of course, dear dongsaeng. That's the whole point of being a hyung" I teased as I laid my head in his lap. He let out a sigh, but began playing with my hair, making me tired again.

WANNA (A Wanna One AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin