Chapter 3

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

    The gentle knocks against my bedroom door brought my attention away from my laptop.

    "Ryan, I swear to god, I'm not in the mood..." I began, but was cut off.

    "Sweetie, it's me." the voice of Mrs. Park sounded from the other side and i immediately shut my mouth. "Mind if I come in?"

    I knew it was more of a statement than a question, but I still replied with a yes. She opened my door and gracefully walked in, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

    "Ryan told me what happened at the gym..." she began and I nodded. "He said he brought up the idea of talking to Jaehwan..."

    "I can't." I cut her off. "He thinks I'm dead. How can I just approach him like that? I know my brother, and I know he's gonna hate me for leaving him all alone."

    Mrs. Park's lips were pressed into a thin line as she listened to me. "He'd understand once you explained..."

    "No." I said firmly. "I can't tell him."


    "My parents didn't want either of us to know. It's bad enough that I found out... I can't break their last wish like that... I just can't." I looked back at my laptop, where I had multiple tabs open, all of which had some kind of article up about my brother's group, Wanna One. "He achieved his dream; he was able to debut in a popular KPOP group. I can't ruin that by dragging him into the hell that comes with being apart of The Company. I can't ruin his life like I ruined mine."

    Mrs. Park had a frown on her face as she came closer and pulled me into a hug. She rubbed my back softly as I curled up in her arms, not having felt that kind of affection since my parents died. It was heartbreaking, yet comforting as I was reminded that while my parents weren't around anymore, I did have people, like Mrs. Park, who cared for me as if I was one of her own.

    "Amelia, you did not ruin your life, you just ended up going down a different path than what was originally planned for you. Although it seems a bit unconventional, I think being one of the next leaders of the entire organization is a pretty huge accomplishment. As for your brother, I know your parents didn't want him to know, but I also know that they wanted what was best for the both of you." I was about to cut in, but she stopped me. "Hear me out. You might not think The Company is what's best for you, but you should see yourself in action. I've been involved ever since I could talk, and I've never seen anyone learn and improve like you have. You couldn't even do a push up when you started, and now you're able to take down 'men' twice your size." she raised her voice a little for the last part and I heard a yell from down the hall.

    "You promised not to bring that up again!"

    I let out a quiet laugh as she continued on, completely ignoring her son. "Your communication skills are so impressive, people can't even tell when you're insulting them because you do it so eloquently. My parents have even agreed that you are one of the best members The Company has seen in a long time, and you have proven that as a leader, you will be exactly what this organization needs. Your parents might not have wanted it, but Amelia, you deserve to be a leader of The Company, it's in your blood. If your brother were to find out about The Company, that doesn't mean he would have to throw away his life to become a member. Our family isn't the best example because we have always been strictly involved with the training portion of the organization, but majority of the members live a life outside of The Company. You have to remember that The Company is one of the largest 'underground' networks in the world, and you'd be surprised as to who some of the members are. When your parents said they wanted what was best for the both of you, they didn't necessarily mean having a life that wasn't involved with The Company. The best for you and Jaehwan is for you two to be the inseparable best friends that everyone knew you two as. As long as you two have each other in your lives, your parents wouldn't mind if Jaehwan had to get involved with The Company."

WANNA (A Wanna One AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora