Chapter 19

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I pressed play on the video for what felt like the millionth time, rewatching the message even though I had it memorized by now.

    Maybe I was hoping something would change the more I watched it. Or maybe it still didn't hit me that in 36 minutes I could possibly be leaving the SKB for the last time.

    It wasn't that I was worried about my own safety (I haven't feared death since the car crash), but I was scared for Wanna One. Any mess up and it could cost them their lives.

    About 3 hours ago, Hyunbin and the elite team had finished prepping me for tonight. They had discovered that the bomb threat was in fact real, seeing as there was a CYA black van parked outside of their dorm. There were enough explosives in the van to blow up an entire block, which didn't help my nerves at all.

    I was brought out of my thoughts when a knock sounded from my door. Thinking it was Hyunbin or one of the elite team members, I quickly paused the video, calling for them to come in.

    When I realized I was wrong, my eyes went wide in shock.

    "M-M-Minhyun?" I stuttered, and he smiled lightly, entering my office.

    He shut the door behind him and walked over to my desk.

    "The boys were worried, so I decided to come check on you," he bowed his head in apology, "I'm sorry."

    "Minhyun, you don't have to apologize," I sighed, "but you shouldn't have come."

    "Well, I'm already here..."

    "You could've been hurt..."

    "Hyunbin explained everything to me," he blurted, cutting me off.

    My mouth dropped open slightly as I tried to comprehend what Minhyun had just told me. Hyunbin had told him?

    "I know what you're thinking," he brought me out of my thoughts. "I've known Hyunbin hyung for a long time. Even if he tried to hide it from me, it wouldn't work because I can see right through him," he explained.

    I sighed, but nodded. "Alright, I'll trust Hyunbin's judgement, but still! If they saw you leave the dorm..."

    "Amelia, it's ok..." he paused and I was going to ask how it could be alright in this situation, but he continued before I could do so. "I wasn't at the dorm."

    I looked at him confused. "But you..."

    "I dropped Jaehwan and the kids off, but went to visit my sister," he said quietly, and my gaze softened. "She would've been 26 today," his voice wavered a bit.

    It was then when I realized how bloodshot his eyes were. I mentally cursed myself for not noticing sooner. "Minyun..." I sighed, reaching out my hand, which he took. I rubbed my thumb over his hand gently as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

    "Amelia, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm more worried about what is gonna happen tonight," he sighed. "I want to be there for you," he paused, as if hesitating to continue. "I want to be on site..."

    "No," I cut him off. "Minhyun, absolutely not. It's too dangerous and I won't allow..."

    "Let me finish, love," he chuckled, his eyes lighting up in amusement. "I want to be on site, but I know that is too farfetched. I don't have nearly enough training or experience, and I'd probably make things worse. While I can't be there physically, I'd still like to ask if you'll allow me to communicate with you from the control room," he mumbled the last part, averting his gaze.

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