Chapter 36

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Sungwoon POV

It was 11:45, just 15 minutes before I willingly handed myself over to the CYA. I was currently sitting in my car, gripping the steering wheel with all my might.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was nervous, scared, terrified... and so many other emotions I couldn't possibly describe.

What was going to happen to me in 15 minutes? What if they decide that they have no use for me and decide to kill me right then and there? Will my parents care or will they still send my baby sister in?

No... I won't allow them... my friends wouldn't let them do it.

I had spoken to Minhyun earlier and made him swear on his life that he'd watch out for my sister if anything happened to me. Of course, he didn't like the idea, claiming that I was going to be fine, but still made the promise. If anything happens to her under Minhyun's watch them I will personally haunt his ass for the rest of his life... not that he would ever allow for her to be put in harm's way.

I looked at the clock again and sighed. Only 5 minutes had passed since I last checked. Time was going way too slow for my liking, but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to go early... I was too terrified.

Minhyun had explained that the first few days would be the worst. He didn't try to sugarcoat, which I was thankful for. He told me what to expect and it honestly made me feel a little better... I didn't feel like I was completely walking into this blindly.

It was 11:51 when I took a deep breath and pried my hands away from the steering wheel. I hesitated before unbuckling my seatbelt and slowly climbed out of the car. The anticipation was much worse than my fear, and I just wanted to get it over with.

I started heading over to the meeting spot, each step filled with dread. This was my first solo mission, and it felt weird not having anyone in my ear, reassuring me that everything would be fine.

Will I convince them that I'm actually betraying my friends? Will I prove to my parents that I'm not worthless? Will I make it through the night without dying?

"Well, well, well," his voice rang through my ears, making me shiver. "If it isn't Ha Sungwoon from The Company. Can I just say it is an absolute honor to be in the presence of a celebrity! How is your group by the way? I heard they're all members of The Company now, yes?"

I bit my lip and nodded weakly. 'No sass and definitely no snark. Mason Choi loves to feel superior,' Minhyun's words replayed in my head.

:It's a shame your member killed my brother. Minhyun probably felt relieved to see 'me' dead, right?" his grin grew at the mention of Minhyun's name. "How is Minhyun? The last time I saw him in person, I almost killed him. Do you know the story?"

'Make sure to answer all of his questions truthfully. He doesn't like liars.'

I nodded again. "You hit him with a car," I answered, miraculously finding the courage to look him in the eye.

"Very good. So you're not as clueless as I thought you were," he walked closer, looking down at me with a smirk. "I should've killed him that night."

"I don't think so," I said, taking a deep breath. "Minhyun joined the CYA because of your reckless act. If you had killed Minhyun, there would've been more witnesses... Hyunbin would've been one of them. You wouldn't have gotten off so easily if such a public murder happened," I said firmly, slightly wincing at the thought of Minhyun's reaction if he heard that.

Mason's expression morphed into a frown and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. I thought he was going to lash out on me, but he took a deep breath before sighing. "Funny, my brother said the same thing," he admitted with a light chuckle. "Sungwoon, are you afraid of me?" he asked, the ends of his lips slightly turning upward. "Has Minhyun made me out to be a monster?"

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