Chapter 50

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In honor of the 50th (Holy crap this is at 50 chapters now!) chapter, I'm being productive and posting a second update! (wow, two updates in one day!)

This is the longest story I've ever written, and tbh, I'm not sure how to end it lmao.

The end of this chapter might be a little confusing... it was based off of a scene in the show Quantico, but I couldn't find the actual scene to rewatch, so I know it's probably a little wonky.

Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter!



Chapter 50

"Amelia, I don't know about this..."

"I'm beginning to realize this is a pretty common thing for people to say," I rolled my eyes, smiling lightly when Minhyun snickered from beside me. I turned back to Sungwoon, who had an uneasy expression on his face. "Sungwoon, this is the best idea we've got at getting you into the CYA. This is your last task, and the team agrees that this is as good of a plan as we're going to get," I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

With everything that had been going on, Sungwoon's third and final task (before her got accepted into the CYA) had crept up on us a lot faster than we had expected. Luckily, seeing as I was still recovering, I had a lot of time to solely focus on planning out how the third task would be executed. With help from the elite team, we were able to create a pretty solid plan, and there was a considerably low chance of failure, which I thought was pretty good, considering the situation.

The CYA had ordered Sungwoon to perform a public assassination, and I don't know what we would've done had this plan not fallen into my lap.

Well, more like planted into my lap.

"I gotta get going," Minhyun said, kissing the top of my head softly. "Try not to get yourself into too much trouble, okay? You really shouldn't even be out so soon, let alone helping on site," he frowned, and I rolled my eyes fondly.

"I'll be fine," I assured him, nudging Sungwoon lightly. "I have this one here to protect me," I added, grinning when a small smile grew on his lips.

"Yeah, she's safe with me," he said to Minhyun. "Now, make sure you do a good job driving. If I miss, I'm blaming your poor skills," he joked, earning a scoff from Minhyun.

"Oh please, if you miss that'll be completely your fault. You're just jealous that I'm a better driver than you," Minhyun shot back before turning to face me again. "I'll see you later, yeah?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Of course. Good luck... not that you need it or anything," I smiled, and he shrugged.

"I still like hearing it. Okay, I'm leaving. Hyung, you got this! Sungwoon hyung hwaiting!" He cheered before leaving the room.

When he was gone, Sungwoon let out a deep breath. A frown formed on my lips, and I walked over, patting his shoulder lightly. "You know you've got this, right?" I asked, and he bit his lip.

"Yeah, I guess..."


"How are you so sure this will work?" He suddenly asked, turning to look at me. "How are you so confident that all of this is going to work?"

I bit my lip as I remembered the night when this idea was given to me.

"I just am. Sungwoon, you'd be surprised if you knew everything that went into this plan. Just, trust me on this one, and have some faith in yourself. You're going to execute this perfectly, and we'll be one step closer to getting you into the CYA. I believe in you, okay?"

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