Chapter 35

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 The award shows had happened far too quickly for my liking. I guess they were right when they say 'all good things must come to an end', because this was no exception.

The past few days, despite constantly working with the elite team, I had been able to push the matter to the back of my mind and completely enjoy the moment. Ryan and I had an absolute blast at the two award shows, dancing along to the music I've been recently become accustomed to, and fangirling over Wanna One.

The highlight of the experience was getting to see my twin brother looking so lively as he performed and his expressions when they won awards. I had know that Wanna One was extremely popular, but to actually hear the crowds going wild was when it finally hit me that my brother achieved his dream. With everything he's gone through, I was so glad that it didn't stop him from pursuing his goal. I never imagined I'd get to witness this in person, and when I realized how lucky I was that things worked out well and actually allowed me to be right by my brother's side through all of this, I became an emotional mess.

"Are you crying?" Ryan asked when he noticed, and I tried to cover my face to hide my embarrassment, but Ryan was quicker. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the seating area, leading me out into the hallway(?).

"Don't look at me," I hissed, trying to turn away, but he placed his hands on my shoulders firmly, keeping me in place. "Ryan..."

"Will you stop acting so tough all the time and let your emotions show?" he blurted out, and I looked up at him, confused. "You don't have to always prove that you're strong, especially not to me. Cry if you need to; don't bottle up your emotions."

Ryan always knew exactly what to say, and when he said this, I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. Tears streamed down my face as I silently cried, allowing Ryan to pull me into a tight hug.

"He did it," I whispered and Ryan rubbed my back gently. "He's famous. He did it."

"I know," Ryan hummed. "And he has his twin sister right next to him to cheer him on. He wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"But he did," i sobbed. "I wasn't there for him and..."

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you're here now. The past already happened and can't be changed. Live in the present, because right now is what matters the most."

We stayed like this for a little while, just until I calmed down. Ryan was right, it was good to get my emotions off my chest, and I felt like a small weight was lifted from my shoulders. Once I calmed down enough and looked as if I hadn't just been crying, we went backstage to congratulate my boys.

"Amelia!" Jaehwan exclaimed as soon as he saw me. He ran and tackled me in a hug. "We won!"

"I know! You guys deserve it!" I beamed, looking around the room. "Congrats on your win! Also, your performance was incredible!"

The boys all thanked me before returning to their prior conversations. Minhyun walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. "Are you ok?" he whispered and I nodded. "I saw Ryan pull you out of the arena as we were walking off the stage."

"I just got a little emotional, but I'm good now," I promised and he nodded, rubbing my back.

"You being here helped settle Jaehwan's nerves a little bit," he told me. "He also couldn't believe you were actually in the crowd, witnessing him achieving his dream. He's been talking about it nonstop."

"It's crazy. Who'd have thought we'd be standing backstage at MAMA?" I chuckled. "We used to talk about it nonstop when we were younger, and now it actually happened. I can't believe it either."

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