Chapter 22

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Minhyun POV

    "Minhyun? Are you ok?" Mrs. Ong asked, turning off her headset and kneeling next to me. "They can't hurt you, we won't let them."

    I reached up to turn off my headset as well, not paying attention to what was going on around me. My mind was reeling at the thought of my past; I had tried so hard to put it beneath me, but it was all catching up to me again. I couldn't run away, and he knew that.

    "It's my fault," I muttered. "It's all my fault. I killed my sister. It's all my fault."

    "Minhyun, you didn't kill your sister," Mrs. Ong tried to comfort me, but it didn't work.

    "Yes I did!" I yelled and her eyes went wide. "It's all my fault that she's dead!"

    Mrs. Ong opened her mouth, but was cut off by someone calling out to her. "Ma'am, please turn back on your headset. Hyunbin-ssi is trying to contact you."

    She nodded, quickly turning back on her headset. "Sorry, Hyunbin, I'm here."

    She looked confused as she listened to Hyunbin. "He's right beside me," she said, turning look at me. "Minhyun, Hyunbin needs to talk to you."

    I sighed, running my hands through my hair before turning my headset back on as well. "I'm here."

    "Minhyun! Are you ok?" Hyunbin asked, his voice filled with concern. "Why do they want you dead?" my heart dropped. He sounded confused, but also a bit disappointed. He was probably wondering why I didn't confide in him about any of this.

    Before I could respond, I heard him speak up again. "Amelia, is Minhyun listening in? I want to speak to him," he demanded and I gulped.

    "W-why do you want to speak to him? He's off limits!" Amelia stated and he laughed again.

    "I should've known," he tsked. "It's alright, I'll just call him myself. I know he'll pick up," he said, and the next thing I knew, my phone was ringing.

    Mrs. Ong was staring at me, worriedly, and she nodded, urging for me to pick up. "Answer it," she said softly and I nodded, hesitantly pulling my phone out of my pocket.

    "Minhyun, don't you dare..." Hyunbin warned, but it was too late as I had answered the call.   

    My hand was shaking as I brought the phone up to my ear. "H-h-hello?" I stuttered and heard a loud cackle.

    "Hwang Minhyun, how have you been?" he asked and I winced. "How on earth did you find yourself under the protection of The Company?"

    "What do you want?" I asked, ignoring his question.

    "Now, Minhyun, where are your manners? If I recall, you were raised to be a polite and obedient little boy. Whatever happened? Now you're so rude, don't you want to catch up with an old friend?" there was a fake sadness in his voice, and I gritted my teeth.

    "I'm not what I used to be like, and you definitely don't have the right to call yourself an old friend," I said calmly, but my fist was clenched.

    "Aw, but Minhyun, what about all the good times we shared?" he let out a mock sigh. "Alright, if you're gonna be no fun, then I guess we'll move on. How's your sister? It's her birthday, isn't it?"

    "Don't talk about my sister!" I hissed and he laughed yet again.

    "It seems as though I've hit a nerve. It really is a shame that she blocked you, that night. It wasn't what I had intended on happening, but I can't say I was disappointed. The look on your face was so satisfying as you watched your sister bleed to death. Should we recreate that night?" he asked and I heard the click of a gun.

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