Chapter 17

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"Noona, you're here!" Guanlin exclaimed as he let me into their dorm.

"Hello my little swaggy rapper," I teased and he huffed in response.

"Noona, I made a mistake. Let it gooooo," he whined and I shook my head.

"Never," I winked and he rolled his eyes.

"I still can't see you as a Wannable," he admitted and I pinched his cheek.

"You should be happy that I'm a fan! I don't even like KPOP, and yet I like your music!"

"Yeah, because your brother..."

Guanlin was cut off when someone screamed "NOONAAAA!" and I didn't even have time to process what was happening before something, well someone came crashing into me. I stumbled a bit at the impact, but somehow managed to keep myself from falling as I wrapped my arms around Daehwi.

"Daehwi, you do this every time we see each other," I smiled fondly, but I didn't let go of the boy.

"Is it so wrong for me to miss my favorite noona?" He pouted adorably.

"Yah, Lee Daehwi, you're so cute. It's no wonder you make the fans absolutely swoon." I cooed, pinching his cheek gently.

He was about to respond, but was cut off when someone cleared their throat. He immediately jumped away from me and bowed quickly a few times to the newcomer.

I turned to see who had him looking so scared and was shocked to see an unfamiliar face.

An unfamiliar female face.

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your moment with your favorite noona," the girl sneered and Daehwi shrunk back in fear.

"N-n-noona, I d-d-didn't mean it l-l-like th-th-that..." Daehwi stuttered. "I mean I did but... NO! I d-d-didn't mean that e-e-either... I uh... I just... NOONA SAVE ME!" He cried, hugging me tightly and burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Sarah noona is so scary," he whispered shakily.

I looked at 'Sarah', who gave me a pleasant smile. She winked at me, but her expression quickly morphed back into a sinister one when Guanlin glanced over at her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked and Guanlin froze, eyes wide.

"S-s-sorry noona," he stammered, ducking behind me.

"You better..."

"Sarah, what are you doing to the maknaes?" Jisung's voice asked, and I looked up to see him leaning against the kitchen doorway. His arms were crossed over his chest and he had a frown on his face, but I could see that there was amusement in his eyes.

Sarah spun around to face Jisung, smiling at him innocently. "Jisung-ie, I'm not doing anything to them. They're just so terrified of me, I don't know why," she pouted and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh gee really? It's not as if you go out of your way just to terrorize them," he scoffed, but he looked as though he was trying hard not to smile.

Sarah shrugged. "Like Amelia said, too many girls fawn over them, they need me in their lives to keep them grounded," she turned to face me and bowed. "Hi, my name is Sarah Feng, it's nice to finally meet our future leader."

My eyes went wide as I bowed my head, not quite able to fully bow with Daehwi and Guanlin still hanging on me. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. So you're a member?"

"Yes, have been for 9 years now," she beamed. "Tis how I got this job."

"Sarah, you didn't just get this job because you're a gang member. You're so incredibly talented, and you know that," Jisung said, trying to wrap his arms around her from behind.

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