Chapter 10

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"AMELIA!" the screech rang through my ears and before I could comprehend what was happening, something knocked into me, hard.

    Ok, not something, but someone, and I had a pretty good idea as to who it was.

    I stumbled due to the force he hit me with, and would've fallen if someone hadn't caught me. I turned around and saw a smiling Seongwoo.

    "Falling for me already?" he winked and I rolled my eyes.

    "You wish." I scoffed.

    "Yah, Amelia!" Jaehwan whined in my arms. "Pay attention to me! Not him!"

    I turned back to face my brother, who was smiling like a kid in a candy store. "You're such a child."

    "But you love me!" he cooed and I playfully sighed, ruffling his hair, much to his annoyance. "Not the hair! The stylist noona is gonna yell at me!" he exclaimed and quickly got off me, rushing to a mirror.

    "Are you guys excited?" I asked and all 11 nodded their heads.

    We were currently backstage at KCON LA and the guys were chilling before their performance. Ryan and Carolyn had come along too, but they were already at our seats, watching the show. I didn't really know any of the artists, so Jaehwan invited me to hang out in their dressing room.

    "Noona, you better scream loud enough so we can hear you!" Daehwi exclaimed and I nodded.

    "Of course! I even know the lyrics so I'll sing along too!" I stated proudly and they all cheered.

    "Noona, who are you gonna cheer for the loudest?" Jihoon asked with a smirk, and I didn't hesitate to answer.

    "Jaehwan Kim! He's the main everything," I joked and Jaehwan had a bright smile on his face.

    "I promise to make this my best performance because my Amelia Bedelia will be cheering for me!" he yelled seriously, before letting out a laugh. "Wah, I feel so special just knowing my best friend will be in the crowd supporting me."

    I walked over to where he was still fixing his hair, and began helping him. "Of course I'd support you. Always have and always will. Sorry about your hair, by the way."

    "It's ok!" he said brightly. I finished getting his hair back to how it was styled before, and he took a step back to admire it. "It's just that noona can be very scary at times."

    I was going to tease him, but the nods from the other members led me to conclude that this stylist was as scary as they claimed.

    "I want to see a conversation between Amelia noona and Sarah noona. They'd either become best friends or sworn enemies." Woojin laughed and the other members,except for one, all agreed.

    I noticed that Jisung was giving the guys a disapproving look. "Sarah isn't as scary as you all say she is. She's really sweet!"

    "Hyung, we didn't say that! We're just saying that she scares us... a lot." Daniel said and the others nodded quickly.

    Jaehwan leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Jisung hyung likes Sarah a lot, and we're all pretty sure that she likes him too. The others and I have a bet going because some of us think they're already dating, but others think they're just friendly. Of course, it'd be nice if he actually told us, but no, he avoids the topic or ignores it."

    My eyes went wide as I watched Jisung explain to the members why Sarah seemed mean. "That's so cute!"

    Jaehwan nodded, "Yeah, they're really cute together, especially since noona seems so cold hearted all the time. She was one of the stylists on Produce 101, so we've known her for a few months now. At first, she would never smile or joke around, but I think she's warmed up to us a bit. She cracks jokes sometimes and even teases us. I think a big part of it is due to Jisung. He 'bothered' her all the time back when we were on Produce 101, and I think she finally accepted that he wasn't going to leave her alone."

    "That's really sweet. Jisung is such an incredible guy, any girl is lucky to have him." I said and Jaehwan agreed.

    Just then, someone came into the dressing room. "Wanna One, it's time to report backstage. You'll be performing in 20 minutes." The guy said and all of the members stood up.

    "Well, that's my cue to head to my seat. Wanna One Hwaighting!" I exclaimed and they all cheered. Each member gave me a hug as they exited the dressing room, and it was just Jaehwan and I left.

    He pulled me into a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to know you're gonna be in the audience, watching me perform. I never thought I'd ever have the chance to show you this cool side of me. I can finally make you proud."

    "I've always been proud of you, and I know mom and dad are too." I whispered.

    "I love you. Thank you for being here."

    "Of course, and I love you too." I pulled away and patted his shoulder. "Now get out there. You're gonna kill it!"

    He kissed my cheek before running to meet up with the rest of his group. I shook my head while chuckling, before exiting the backstage area and heading to my seat.

    "Your relationship with Wanna One makes me depressed." Ryan said in my ear, as soon as I joined them.

    "Excuse me?" I questioned, staring at him, confused.

    "He's jealous." Carolyn smirked, knowingly.

    "Of what?" I asked incredulously.

    "You're so close to all of them!"

    "Ok and? So are you, or did you forget that you spent a whole day with them yesterday, just playing video games?" I didn't understand what he was getting at.

    "He's not jealous of you and Wanna One, he's jealous that you're close with 10 guys who all really like you." Carolyn rolled her eyes at my obliviousness.

    "They're all practically pining for your attention!" Ryan huffed, crossing his arms.

    Realization hit me and I couldn't help but laugh at my best friend. "Ryan, you're so dumb."

    "I am not!" he exclaimed defensively. "I just want females to love me, is that so wrong?"

    I patted his shoulder. "Aw, it's alright, Ry. Girls love you, you just..."

    He looked at me with an unamused look, urging me to continue. "I'm just what?"

    "Ryan, let's be honest here." Carolyn cut in. "I'm not gonna lie, you're a really attractive guy, but you scare girls away with your random outbursts."

    "What?!" he cried, loudly, causing a few people around us to stare at him. "I do NOT..."

    "You might want to rethink that statement, because you're doing it now." I told him and he shut up.

    He opened his mouth to say something, but the screams stopped him. We all turned to face the stage and I smiled brightly when I saw Wanna One entering.

    As they got into position, Jaehwan's eyes were scanning over the crowd, and they lit up when they landed on me. He waved quickly, and I gave him the hwaighting sign.

    Their title track was named appropriately, seeing as they were so energetic throughout their whole set. I could feel their happiness radiating as they put their all into the performance.

    One seemed to stand out the most, and at one point during the performance, we made eye contact. He winked at me and I felt my face heat up. Luckily it was dark, so no one would be able to see my face, which was probably bright red.

    When they performed Energetic, he blew a kiss at me and my heart definitely skipped a beat.

    Shit, this wasn't good.

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