Chapter 29

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"WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled once we were far away from the rest of Wanna One.

    After Sungwoon told me, Minhyun had quickly rushed over to us, dragging me out of the room before I could react. He pulled me away from the studio, with Sungwoon right behind us.

    I currently found myself in a dance practice room that was not only on the other side of the building, but also two floors higher.

    "Didn't I tell you to wait until you two were alone?" Minhyun groaned, rubbing his face with both his hands.   

    He was pacing back and forth while Sungwoon sat on the floor, his back against the mirror. He was staring blankly in front of him.

    "Sungwoon... you can't be serious, right?" I asked and he let out a loud groan before burying his face with his hands. "And wait..." I looked and my boyfriend, who stopped pacing. "You knew?"

    Minhyun let out a sigh before nodding. "Yes, he told me earlier."

    "Does anyone else know?"

    "No one except the committee, Hyunbin, Minhyun, and now you," Sungwoon spoke up, his face muffled by his hands. "The others can't find out," he finally looked up, his expression unreadable. "They'll hate me, even if it's for The Company."

    I ran my hand through my hair before sitting next to him. "How did this even happen?"

    "My parents said my role in The Company has been completely useless so far, and I'm bringing shame to the family name," he muttered and I scoffed loudly.

    "This is coming from your parents?" he nodded. "Un fucking believable."

    "Tell me about it," he sighed.

    We sat in silence and Minhyun began pacing again. Sungwoon joining the CYA? It was too risky. One wrong move and his life could be in danger... scratch that... his life is already in danger just by getting involved with the CYA.

    "You can't do this," I finally stated, causing both boys to look at me. "I won't allow it."

    "It's too late, Amelia," Sungwoon sighed. "We already scheduled a meeting for after the Melon awards. The date, place, and time are already set... there's no going back," he said quietly, staring down at his legs.

    "There has to be something..."

    "Amelia, I've already tried!" he spat, his eyes widening in shock. "Amelia... I didn't..." he stuttered and Minhyun sighed, sitting on Sungwoon's other side.

    "Hyung, I know we spoke about this before, but there still might be some hope. We have Amelia, and I'm sure Hyunbin can help us too..." Minhyun said softly, but Sungwoon shook his head.

    "I don't want to get out of this," he stated firmly. "I am going to meet with the CYA, and that is final."

    "I can't, okay? I can't back down, especially not when they threatened it was either me or my sister!" he yelled, making me and Minhyun jump. "She's just a kid. How can they even do that to their own daughter," he whispered harshly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

    Minhyun and I looked at each other. His eyes were wide, and he was clearly shocked by what Sungwoon just said. I was shocked too, but in that moment, my stomach dropped as I realized there was no way to talk Sungwoon out of this... not when his sister is involved.

    "It's ok, though, really," he looked back and forth between the two of us. "The CYA are thrilled to have someone who is so close to the both of you... this will be good for The Company..."

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