Chapter 1

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"Stop acting like a baby, and get up!" I laughed as I watched my best friend groan in pain. He was laying on the floor, staring straight up at the ceiling and panting as he tried to catch his breath.

    "I can't go on! Just leave me here to die pathetically. Tell my mom I love her!" Ryan dramatically sighed. "Not only am I in pain right now, but I've never been so humiliated in my life!"

    I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him up to his feet. "It wasn't too terrib..."

    "You beat my ass in 5 seconds," he deadpanned, cutting me off.

    "Well... 5 seconds is a bit of an exaggeration..." I started packing up my gym bag and Ryan stared at me with his usual 'are you kidding me' look. "You're just embarrassed because the new chick was watching."

    "That new chick has a name, which is Allison for your information," he scoffed "and I can't woo her if a girl HALF MY SIZE has me on the floor in under a minute!"

    Shaking my head, I tossed a towel at Ryan, which he caught on instinct, and put my bag over my shoulder. Ryan flirts with practically every girl he lays eyes on so it wasn't a surprise that the new girl had become his next target. "If any thing, you should be proud, seeing as you were the one who taught me everything I know."

    Ryan thought about it for a second, before sighing and grabbing his bag as well. "I guess, but she doesn't know that!" He continued complaining as we started leaving the gym, but I couldn't help but tone him out as something on the TV, that was hanging on the wall, caught my eye. I stopped walking so I could take a better look, causing an oblivious Ryan to crash right into me. "What the f..." he paused when he saw what I was looking at. "Amelia..."

    "Having just recently debuted, sensational KPOP group, Wanna One, is taking the world by storm! This rookie group consists of 11 members who were put together through a reality survival show called Produce 101, and they have just confirmed that they will be performing at KCON LA later this week!..." the entertainment reporter continued talking about this new KPOP group, but I barely paid attention. My focus was on one of the 11 members, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

    A hand landed on my shoulder, bringing my attention away from the story and back to my best friend, who had concern written all over his face. "Why don't we head home?" All I could do was nod, and I allowed him to lead me out of the gym, towards his car.

    The ride home was awkward. Multiple times, Ryan tried to start up a conversation, but his attempts didn't work. I was too shocked to even comprehend what he was saying, let alone form a coherent response. Finally, he realized it wasn't going to work, so he turned on the radio, letting the music fill our silence.

    20 minutes later, we arrived at his, well our, house and he parked the car in the driveway. Right as I was about to get out, he locked the doors. I gave him a 'what the fuck' look, but he ignored me.

    "Amelia, I know you're shocked, but we should talk about it," he said, his usual playful tone replaced by a rare serious one.

    I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a sigh. "What is there to talk about? My twin brother was just on TV because he is in a popular KPOP group, and I had no idea he even achieved his dream because I haven't spoken to him in 5 years. Can you unlock the door now? I need to get a shower..." I reached for the door handle, but Ryan stopped me.

    "Can you be serious for one moment?" Ryan raised his voice and I sat back in my seat. "Amelia, I think you should talk..."

    "No." I said firmly, crossing my arms. "You want me to speak to my brother but that is NOT happening. It can't. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go shower." I hit the unlock button and climbed out of the car, slamming the door shut.

    Ryan scrambled after me. "Why do you have to be so goddamn stubborn all the time?" he exclaimed and I spun around, glaring at him.

    "I am NOT being stubborn! You of all people should understand why I can't talk to my brother!" I hissed and stormed into the house.

    He's crazy if he thinks I can just find my brother while he's in LA and reconcile with him. What would I even say? 'Oh hey twin, what's up? Sorry I haven't seen you in 5 years, mainly because we had you believe that I had died along with mom and dad. How have you been?'

    My life has always been a crazy roller coaster, and I can't particularly say it was all my fault. My twin brother and I grew up in Seoul, South Korea, and we were mostly raised by our grandparents because our own parents were always away on 'business trips'. Unlike that stereotypical brother/sister relationship, we were extremely close and wherever one went, the other was sure to follow. My brother was my best friend and I was his.

    That all changed when we were 14.

    .Growing up, we became accustomed to staying with our grandparents. We knew our parents were busy and there was nothing we could do about it. Besides, staying with our grandparents was like a sleepover every night, and what kid doesn't love a sleepover, especially with their best friend? However, when we were 13, I became curious. I wanted to know why our parents were always away, and what exactly their jobs were that took up so much of their time. I would always ask, but I was never given a straight answer. They would either switch topics, or just tell me I didn't need to worry about it. Of course, I realized they were avoiding the topic for a reason, and this made me want to know even more. Whenever we were to stay at our grandparents' house, I would lie and say I had to stay after school for a club, but really, I would sneak to our empty home and snoop around, trying to find any information. This went on for days, weeks, even months, and although I kept coming up empty handed, I couldn't give up. I needed to know what the secret was.

    Finally, right before our 14th birthday, I got my answer. I had used my usual lie, saying that I had a club to attend, and snuck off to our home. When I entered, I heard my parents voices, along with a few other voices I didn't recognize. I didn't know what to do, so I quickly hid myself in a cupboard and tried to listen in on their conversation.

I should've never done it. I should've rushed back to my grandparents' home or found my brother. I should not have stayed.

    Because if I hadn't stayed, my life wouldn't be the way it is now.

WANNA (A Wanna One AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu