"Did she just-?" I finally managed to say when Ashton put the phone back. Olivia laid down next to Ashton and tapped the screen with her little fingers.

"She did" Ashton replied after a second of thinking. "She now knows 4 names."

"I just wanna cry and hug her and give her a million kisses." I said with the biggest smile and Ashton laughed before holding Olivia tightly and kissing her all over her face to do it for me. All I could hear were giggles from her and laughs from him. I watched them with the biggest smile until Ashton finally stopped but Olivia's giggles seemed to go on forever. "Thank you for giving me that."

"You are very welcome." He replied with a smile before looking at me, "My family is landing in LA tomorrow afternoon so do you want to come over tonight? Its gonna be the last quiet night I'll have for the next two weeks. I could cook for you or get take out before a movie marathon and lots of cuddling?"

"That sounds very lovely." I replied with a wide smile and he smiled back at me, "so christmas is in 4 days. I kinda need to know now if you're coming or not. It's just gonna be here in LA after all." I said softly. I know he had been waiting for his mom to come back and talk with her about it but I needed an answer.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for our families to meet for the first time at a christmas dinner?" He asked a bit nervous. My family is a lot bigger than his and I know it freaked him out a little.

"Ashton, they're all going to love you. And you don't need to get any presents, don't worry about that."

"Can I atleast get your parents something for inviting us all over?" He said while he looked at Olivia shortly. "Just a bottle of wine or champagne or flowers or something, nothing big, just a thank you."

"Yeah, that's alright." I replied with a smile and he nodded softly, "So you're coming?"

"Your mom asked me again 5 days ago when I stopped for coffee, I had just spoken my mom and I was going to tell you later. She asked me not to tell you, thought it might be a nice surprise when we show up but I am sure that you will not stop asking me and I don't want to disappoint you by saying I'm not coming." He said with a grin, "So yeah, we're coming and you have to act happy and surprised when we arrive."

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked and he nodded and started laughing. I let out a soft chuckle before looking at Amber in the door opening.

"I'm going to work. Are you home tonight? Because I wanted to invite Rick over. Maybe get pizza together and then" she said but trailed off at the end, she had an innocent grin playing on her face but I knew perfectly what she wanted to say.

"I'll be at Ashton's so you have the place to yourself. If I don't see you after work, be safe and don't do anything you're not comfortable with." I warned her and she giggled.

"Are you going to say that every time?" She asked and I nodded, "I will be safe and not do anything I don't want. You be safe too sis."

"I will watch movies and cuddle safely" I said with a chuckle and I heard Ashton let out a chuckle too. "I'll see you tomorrow Amber."

"Goodbye and I love you Elle!" She said when she turned around and started walking away, I told her I loved her too before looking back at Ashton.

"I know it's very stupid that I keep telling her that while they've been dating for pretty long but mentally she's still so young. She has her more adult moments but I struggle to stop seeing her as a kid."

"I think it's a good thing and pretty cute."

"Just wait until Olivia is old enough to start dating, you're going to love having to give her the talk." I said with a chuckle and he smiled while looking at her.

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