Episode twenty seven

Start from the beginning

After locking up my truck, I balanced the box and a bag of subway for Vanessa as I took the stairs to their apartment since the elevator seemed to never work.

I was happy they only lived in a three story because if it was more.. I think I'd pass out. And maybe they'd take their elevator problems more seriously. Jesus, I sounded like such a Karen right now.

When I reached their level, I walked to their door, pausing when I heard small cries and the sound of hushed whispers.

"I know baby, the medicine should kick in soon."

I pouted to myself before raising my fist and knocking at the door. The cries were still heard, slightly masking the footsteps of my girlfriend. "Who is it?" I stepped back so she could look through the peephole. "Oh," she quickly opened the door and smiled at me with a tired expression. "Hi babe."

"Hey." She leaned up and pecked my lips quickly before eyeing the box oddly. "Heard the munchkin was sick so.."

"Awe." She looked at me with adoration, a grin overtaking her face. "How are you so cute?" I simply shrugged with a smile before walking in when she stepped to the side. "I warn you.. she's irritated as hell." She said, taking the bag of subway.

"Nothing a little goodies can't fix." I walked into her bedroom and immediately spotted Quincy curled up to the pillow, sobs racking her body. "Hey little Q." She looked up and stared in confusion as she wiped  her eyes. "I heard you weren't feeling well so I brought you some things." I sat on the edge of the bed, purposely holding the end of the box up so she couldn't see. I looked down coyly before peeking up at her curious eyes. "I think there's some things you might like- Ooh fuzzy socks."

She perked up and slowly started to crawl over but wasn't entirely convinced so she stopped just before the box. I set the socks on the bed before picking up a minions coloring book. "Ooh this looks like fun huh?" Her eyebrows raised, her body inching closer. "There's also some medicine but eh, I know that won't get you, will it? Taste like poop." A small giggle left her lips then and I smiled, knowing what would get her. I heard a creek to my left so I looked over and saw Vanessa leaned against the door frame, her arms crossed with a smile. I smirked back and she rolled her eyes before walking back out.

I focused back on Quincy who was watching me expectingly." Okay this.. I know this will work." I grabbed the single Krispy Kreme wrapper and her eyes widened when I held the donut up. "I don't know if you're too sick to have donuts but-"

"I'm not." She now crawled around the box and settled into my side, her big eyes on me as she opened her mouth. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" When she nodded enthusiastically, I brought the donut to her lips and she took a huge bite, wiggling happily to herself in response. "Is it good?"

"Mhm." She swallowed the piece then held her hands up. "I can hold it."

"Independent one, are you?" I handed her the donut and she stayed against my side, eyeing every item I brought out while munching on the sweet treat. "I also didn't know if you liked boyish toys or girlish toys, I personally loved trucks as a kid so I just got both kinds." She hummed and picked up the monster truck. "You like monster trucks?"

She set the donut down and grabbed the other truck, making them crash one another as she made an explosive sound with her mouth. "Psshh booom!"

I chuckled with a nod. "Yeah, here." I grabbed the other truck and drove it around in the air before hitting her truck. "Kaboom!" She laughed and started hitting mine. "Ah okay, you win, you win!" She then jumped up unexpectedly and dropped on top of me, copying my 'kaboom!' "Oh no, you're a truck now??"

"Yep, kaboom!" I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her tiny frame, flipping her onto her back as I slightly tickled her sides. "Ahhh no!"

"I gotcha now huh?" I laughed out, wriggling my fingers on her sides. "You can't get out now, kiddo!"

"Mommy help!" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Nicki wasn't here-

"What happened?!" Seconds later, Vanessa ran into the room looking frantic. I stopped the movement of my fingers and slowly sat back, my mind racing as Quincy's words rang in my ear, Vanessa's actions apparent. "Y/n.." she said cautiously when she saw me slowly pull back from Quincy, my eyes wide as I stared at the toddler like she was a foreign object. "Just listen to me okay-"

"Mommy?" I whispered. Quincy frowned and slowly backed up, clutching the pillow to her chest. "Wait so.." I looked at Vanessa who was clutching a cup between her hands nervously, her throat moving from a harsh gulp. "She's your daughter?"

"I-" she looked at Quincy before nodding her head to the side and quickly walking out.

I slowly stood up, walking to the door and for some reason... I couldn't bring myself to look at Quincy. I just couldn't. So I simply closed the door behind me.

When I made it to the kitchen, Vanessa was biting her thumb nail as she paced the floor. "So is she?" I questioned. Her eyes raised to me and she nodded softly, then dropped her eyes back down. "So this whole time- were you going to tell me?"

"Yes but-"

"When?" I asked roughly, my fiat slamming down on the counter. I took in a slow breath, my head shaking as I spoke in a softer tone. "I'm sorry...when, Vanessa?"

"I- I wanted to be sure you'd be there for the long run. I messed up the last time I invited someone into Quin's life too early.. I couldn't make that mistake again." I frowned when her eyes started to water. "I just I had to make sure. I can't put her through that again."

"Are you fighting?" I looked over my shoulder and saw Quincy walking slowly, pillow clutched to her chest and.. my beanie on her head. "Is it 'cause of me?"

I found a rushed breath leave my lungs at her soft voice. "No, of course not, little Q." I bent down and forced a smile, fixing the beanie atop her head. "Never about you.. you're too precious." She giggled softly when I softly wiggled my fingers under her chin. "But, enjoy the goodies okay? I'll see you later."

"You're leaving?" She said with a pout. "But.. I have the minions movie, we can watch."

I gulped softly and shook my head. "Maybe another time, I have some homework to do." I stood up so I wouldn't get suckered into her innocent eyes and I turned, seeing Vanessa wiping her eyes as I started to the door.

I faintly heard her tell Quincy to get back into bed, then her rushed footsteps, followed by her hand wrapping around my forearm. "Please don't leave, Y/n. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I just-"

"Needed to make sure this is what you wanted?" I answered softly, turning back to look at her somber expression. "I get it.. and I respect it. Just let me figure out the same." Her shoulders slumped but nonetheless, she nodded and slowly let go of my forearm. I held the doorknob, feeling like there was something else I needed to say but.. I couldn't find the words. So.. "I'll call you." was all I could get out.

I walked out of the door without looking back and I didn't even mind taking the stairs down for once. It gave me time to think. That's all I needed. Time.

Unlocking my car door, I found myself looking up subconsciously. My eyes met hazel ones with a hint of green sadness as she waved her tiny hand and I dropped my gaze again. I couldn't bare to see the sadness in them so I slid into my truck and drove away.

And it hurt like hell.


Annnnnd that's a wrap on season one my peeps. Stay tuned for the season two, returning... to be an announced 😈

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