"Lee!" Guy exclaimed.

"Oh! Uh, yes, sir..." Rock Lee said.

Guy then punched Rock Lee.

"Idiot!!" Guy yelled.

"Oww!!" Rock Lee cried out.

"Huh?!" Sakura shouted.

"You... You..." Guy began.

"Sensei...!" Rock Lee replied.

Tears were going down both of their cheeks.

"Sensei... I... I..." Rock Lee said, stumbling over his words.

Guy pulled Rock Lee into a hug.

"That's enough, Lee! Not one more word." Guy replied.

"Sensei!" Rock Lee cried out.

Kuro was sitting on top of Naruto's head, a thing of popcorn in his paws, eating it.

"This is like a drama show..." Kuro mumbled as he chomped on to a piece of popcorn.

"Eh? Kuro? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked.

"Shiro-sama asked me to check on you guys. I didn't know that I would barge into something so dramatic." Kuro answered.

"Ewww..." Sakura said in disgust.

"I got beaten... By some touchy feely crybaby!" Sasuke thought.

"I understand. It's because you're young!" Guy said.

"Sensei!" Rock Lee cried out.

"The eyebrows... Oh dear kamisama... It's captain bushy brows and his apprentice bushy brows No. 2..." Kuro said in disbelief.

"Doesn't it give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?" Naruto asked.

"Don't be an idiot! They're up to something!" Sakura yelled.

"It's all right, Lee! Mistakes and youth go hand in hand." Guy says.

"Youth... What the hell is, youth?" Kuro asked, dumbfound on what was going on.

"You are too kind... Sensei!" Rock Lee replied.

"But I can't let your attempt to break the big rule go unpunished. Your penalty will be to swear after the chunin selection exams." Guy declared.

"I understand!" Rock Lee, agreed.

"Five hundred laps around the practice arena!" Guy exclaimed.

"Yes, sir!" Rock Lee replied, with a salute.

"Eh?! Five hundred?! Is this man trying to kill his own student?!" Kuro yelled.

"What a dip..." Sakura said.

"What's the deal with that turtle thing, anyway?" Naruto asked.

Kuro turned his head towards the tortoise and realized who it was and grinned.

Kuro jumped off of Naruto's head and made sure he didn't drop the popcorn that was being held by his teeth.

Kuro sat down beside the tortoise, and watched the others, chomping down on the rest of the popcorn.

"By the way... How is Kakashi-sensei? I'm asking you!" Guy said.

"You know Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke asked.

"Do I know him... Heh heh..." Guy says with a chuckle before disappearing and appearing behind Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto.

"I should say so! We're arch rivals!" Guy answered.

"You're summoner is weird." Kuro told the tortoise.

Tortoise shrugged his shoulders.

"You'll get used to him after a while." The tortoise replied.

"The score stands at fifty to forty-nine."

"Hey! How'd he...?!"

"I'm stronger than he is." Guy states with a grin and pointing at himself.

"He's so fast: his speed is much greater than Kakashi-sensei's!! Is he even human?" Sasuke thought.

"As you can see, Guy-sensei is totally amazing!!" Rock Lee exclaimed.

"I know Lee started this fight, but take pity on his old teacher. For the sake of my own self respect, forgive him. Gotta save face... It's just so handsome!" Guy says.

"Who is this guy? He claims to be better than Kakashi-sensei... And I don't think he's bluffing!" Sasuke thought.

"You and Lee should head up to the classroom now." Guy states.

Rock Lee was wrapping his hand back up.

"Back of luck, Lee! Later!!" Guy states before disappearing.

"Yes, sir! By the way, Sasuke... I was blowing smoke before. I'm really here to prove my own strength in combat. And I don't think you're the strongest Konoha genin. The strongest junior ninja is a member of my own team... And I intend to take him down. That's why I'm entering. And by the way... You're on my list, too. Off to apply for the exam. Be ready for it, okay?"

Rock Lee hopped into the air before leaving the trio.

Sasuke clenched a fist.

"Sasuke..." Sakura said, worriedly.

"What was the crap?! Maybe your hot snot, famous Uchiha clan isn't that great after all, huh?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto!!" Sakura shouted.

"Shut up... Next time, he's dead meat." Sasuke replied.

"Despite the total butt kicking you got this, right?" Naruto questioned.

"Shut up, Naruto!" Sakura yelled.

Kuro flicked his ears as his empty popcorn box, disappeared suddenly.

"Welp, I have to go now! Bye bye!" Kuro chirped before disappearing.

Sasuke silently growled.

"You saw his hands, right? Old doggy brows probably gets some kind of super duper extra special training, day after day! Even more than you got. You're toast, pal!" Naruto states.

Sasuke clenched his fist.

"Hn! Things are starting to get interesting. The chunin selection exam is bringing things to boil!" Sasuke said.

"Well, yeah!" Naruto replied.

"Yeah!" Sakura agreed.

"Naruto? Sakura? Let's go!" Sasuke demanded.

"Yeah!!" Naruto and Sakura agreed.


"Glad you made it after all, Sakura. This way you all qualify to apply for the chunin selection exam." Kakashi said.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

"The way the test is set up, it can only be taken by a three person squad, although Shiro and Haku are the only two that are allowed to not have a third member during the exam, seeing as they're taking it together." Kakashi answered.

"But... Kakashi-sensei, you said it was up to each of us to decide wether or not to apply. Were you lying?"

"I said what I had to, to keep your partners from pressuring you into coming along. Even if you had no interest in applying, one word from Sasuke... And you'd have come along and gone through the motions, though your head wouldn't have been in it." Kakashi says.

"What would have happened if Sasuke and Naruto had shown up without me?" Sakura asked.

"I'd have washed them out right here. None of you would have gotten past this point without both of the others. But you're all here because you want to be. And I'm very, very proud of you. Now get in there!" Kakashi said, with a  happy closed eye.

Sakura and Naruto smiled while Sasuke gave a small smirk.

"Look out everybody, 'cause here we come!" Naruto exclaimed as the three opened the doors.

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