Chapter 49

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anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is the monster that swallows it up

mahatma gandhi

Chapter Forty-Nine:

The snow was melting quickly by the temple of the Moon Goddess. The water started to make the air around them fresh and innocent.

Gem leaned against Hunter's hold, snuggling against him. She smiled when she looked up. "Have I ever told you you look very handsome?"

Hunter smirked, burring his face into her neck, where his mark showed from the night before. "I thinks so."

Just then, Sage, Charles, Sage's father, and Gem's family walked through the door.

"We need to get all the Alphas and Leaders to form some plan to take Paige down," Alpha Lupin spoke as Sage yelled in delight:

"Hunter! There may be a way!"

Sage ran towards Hunter, giving her father and beloved a cold shoulder. When she went to ask Charlie about her father, he said that her would explain to her later. Sage wouldn't take a no for an answer and was about to ask again when she got a phone call.

Hunter face light up as he smiled. Gem eyes widen, wondering how they will be able to do it.

"Jo Jo called me."

Gem stared up at Hunter, waiting for his reaction.

"What did she have to say?" Hunter grumbled out, pulling Gem to stand closer to him. Goddess give me strength. "What does she possible be have to save my sister?"

Gem leaned into Hunter, her arms wrapping around his waist. "Who's Jo Jo?" She asked, but not out of fear if losing him. She desperately wanted to know how a human hunter had come up with a solution about a monster who was a beast.

Hunger squeezed her closer. "She's probably one of the brightest hunters to ever exists. She stays near the Council for their protection."

"Amazing fighter," Sage added, "and she thinks she has something to help Paige."

"She thinks?" Alpha Lupin spoke as everyone went silent. "That isn't good enough. She has to know. I'm not risking my kind with a think."

Hunter growled, "Your kind isn't the only thing in danger. That's my sister, and if there is a chance, I'll take it." He marched up to the Alpha, anger at his words. "I don't think you have the say for what happens. I know Paige."

The Alpha shook his head. "You knew her. She's not the sister you used to know."

Hunter blinked. You think I don't know that! He pushed past him, grabbing Sage along with him as they left. He knew she was on his side. After all, they were all mistaken to be siblings.

"That was a bit harsh," Gem mumbled at her father. "He's hurting."

Alpha Lupin sighed, "He's not the only one hurting, Gem. You think I want to kill her. After everything you spoke about.

"You mentioned her in a phone call, saying she could literally end this battle. She could help us with rogues and the hunters.

"She gave us all hope, and now, she's burning it."

Gem nodded her head. "At least let them try Jo Jo's plan," she pleaded. "I was with her as she changed. She still has the fire in her eyes, a fire that doesn't burn. It's small, but it's alive."

Sage's father stepped towards Gem, smiling softly. "I have known Paige since she was little. I would die for her, much like my daughter, Sage, but just because I am willing to die for her, doesn't mean everyone else is."

Gem shock her head, tears outlining her eyes. "She can be saved."

"Nobody's said having the power of an Alpha was easy, Gem. The choices we make effects everyone." The Alpha spoke, oh how many times did I make a wrong one.

Gem shook her head. "Paige isn't a monster. She's has a dead wolf and vampire in her soul, and they are both angry."

Alpha Lupin shook his head. "That doesn't matter when a large population has died by her hands. It doesn't matter if we should save her. What matters is can we save her, and we can't."

Gem snarled, "Jo Jo!" She shook her head. I never realized how much he changed. She ran out, getting far away from her father.

Sage's father and the Alpha watched as she ran out.

"That was fun," Charlie mumbled. "Now they think we are the enemy."

The Alpha growled. "They will be thanking us when this is over. I'm not having my pack suffer any longer."

Sage's father nodded. "Although, I disagree. I know it might be the only thing to save the supernatural world."

Charlie rolled his eyes. "You think we can be saved." Charlie started to leave the room, pausing my the door way. "After this is all over, someone else will do the same thing. It's a never ending cycle."

Alpha Lupin stared at the man, slowly coming in terms with what he has been saying. "Yes, but after each battle and war, we become prepare. Soon, they won't even bother us."

Sage's father shook his head. "We would be bothering them, Lupin. For the rest of our history, we will fight each other to domination."

The three men stood there, one facing the hallway and the other two facing each other. There was no escape to this war.

What was wrong with me back then?

Charlie turned around, staring at the Alpha. "Are you really going to just kill Paige Kill?"

"Most likely."

"If Sage gets hurt in all of this, I will hunt you down and kill you. You better watch your back. I'm not an enemy you want to have."

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