Chapter 10

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will you still love when i'm a monster?

margaret mahy

Chapter Ten:

The outside was mushy. Hunters stepped on the mud with their black boots. Hunter, Sage, Gem, and Paige all walked together. Hunter would glance at his baby sister every few seconds, making sure she was still there. Sage would check their surrounding, knowing that the vampire that was trying to kill her was still hunting her. Gem looked nervous between Paige and Hunter. She wanted her mate, but she wasn't ready for anyone to know what she is.

"How about we rest here for tonight?" Paige asked, glancing behind her. There stood a hundred hunters ready to fight the fifth biggest pack in the world. They were located in Canada, a thousand miles away from the Alaska borders.

The group quickly dispersed, setting up camp. Sage and Gem went with them, making sure everyone was accounted for.

It feels good to be hunting again. Paige quickly smiled into the sky, feeling the cold. She shook off the feeling of what the coldness brought last time. This was supposed to be her happy moment.

"Paige," Hunter walked towards her, "are you sure you're ready? It's only been a month since what happened."

Paige smiled up to her brother, acting how she use to be before Alaska. "I'm fine, Hunter. Really. I think the lab just messed with my head."

Hunter looked closely at her. Paige's pointy ears went down due to the stronger bond between wolf and human. Paige skin was back to its normal color. She was in perfect shape as far as appearance goes.

"I suggest you get your tent up," Paige advised before walking away to her bag and pulling out a tent. Suddenly, her teeth grew sharper and her skin became white.

I'm so hungry. The voice, her vampire, Sacrifice, giggled. Look at all that blood. It would be so tasty.

Paige looked behind her. Her brother was talking to Gem as she helped him set up his tent. She growled at the thought of that wolf standing next to her brother, but she pushed it aside.

She walked into the forest, smelling her vampire's next drink.

It was so small and defenseless, something that pleased and displeased her. She liked the fact she could just come and take what she wanted, but she wanted to at least have a little fight. Nobody wanted their strength sitting around.

The rabbit was white with red eyes. It slowly hoped around, nibbling on the plants around its path.

It's so pathetic. We need to end its life.

Paige nodded, feeling the push between human and vampire slowly come together till another voice came in: the female wolf, Purity.

Settle down, Blood Sucker. Her body isn't ready to process the blood like that.

Sacrifice slowly faded away, along with the wolf. Paige stood there, olive skin and pointing nose.

She looked are rabbit, not understanding how her body wanted that in her mouth. Stupid creatures.

She growled at the footsteps coming towards her. "Paige," Gem walked closer. "You can't keep telling your brother you're fine."

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