Chapter 46

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am i a monster or is this what it means to be human?

Chapter Forty-Six:

The weather seems fine, maybe I'll go for a run. Sage thought as she walked towards her father room, hesitating at the door before walking past it. Yeah, I'll go for a run.

She stopped sighing, I need to talk to him though. She turned around, facing her father's door once again. She stared at the door knob, wondering if it was going to twist itself.

"You can do this, Sage." She whispered, unaware her father was listening to her words and footsteps behind the door. "Knock on the door and see how it goes. You can't lose anything."

Her father's heart broke at her words. My little hunter, I can't lose you again. He quickly stood up when he heard her feet move, stopping in from if his room door. He waited, hoping she would knock or even walk in. He, honestly, didn't care which.

He would do anything just to fix their relationship.

Sage stared at the door, her fist raised up. She was close to knocking, her knuckles just a centimeter off of the wood.

She been in this position before. When she was kidnapped by Charles Drac, or Charlie Dickson, a couple days after Hunter and Gem left, fleeing for their safety.

Sage had a lot restless night, wondering about her father. Her father suffered those nights everyday, wondering when he was going to see his little hunter open the door. Just this once.

She brushed her knuckles against the door, once her hand fell to her side, her father stood in the doorway.

He moved to the side, raising his hand, motioning her to come inside. "Would you like to come inside?"

Sage peered around, looking at his room. She could see his wedding ring sitting on the drawer, along with his old cross-bow and knife, a knife that was identical to the one she kept in her boot.

She nodded her head, walking around her father. His room was similar to what she got. It reminded her of an hotel.

"You look beautiful, a lot like your mother." He chucked, motioning to her. Sage looked down at herself, shaking her head. Most people told her she liked like her father. They both had black hair and pale skin.

Sage only smiled, not able to form her words.

"You grew up a lot since the last time I saw you. You were fifteen?" Her father pressed, filling in the silence with nonsense chatter. Sage nodded her head slightly. The Academy trained kids when they were young.

"Charles said you still fight with knives."

"Stop." Sage raised her hand, and her father became silent. "Don't. This... this isn't some type of family reunion."

Her father scratched the back of his neck, letting out a heavy sigh. "I know. Can't I get to know what my daughter was doing for the last ten years?"

"She was fixing our family name." Sage sneered, tears leaving her eyes. "I basically became a Kill when you weren't there, and especially after Mom died."

Her father nodded her head, picking up his wedding ring. "I heard about that."

Sage stared at the ring, tears finally falling down her checks.

"I lost her again that day." He whispered, staring at his daughter. "I lost you too."

Sage scoffed, "You picked them over us."

"Do you still feel that way?" He asked, tossing her his ring. "Didn't you notice something unusual here and there?"

Sage raised her eyebrow, twirling the ring in between her fingers.

"When I was seventeen, the first time I hunting alone." Sage answered, sliding the ring on and off her finger. "I don't remember it very well, though."

Her father smiled, chuckling, "You weren't supposed to."

Sage stared at him. "What did you do?"

Her father smiled. "Nothing dangerous, I promise. Just know that I never left you."

Sage stared at him very closely, seeing how his body was unclear. She stepped back, gasping. "There hasn't been a sighting of your kind in decades."

Her father smiled. "There are plenty of us. How do you think those ghost get out off their graves?"

"You're died. I... I don't understand." Sage walked forward, moving her hand threw her father.

"No, not exactly." Her father smiled. "I'm in a comma."

Sage shook her head, rubbing her eyes.

"It's a long story, Sage, and I think it would be better if I had Charles to help me explain. After all, he knows more about this than I do."

Sage nodded her head, I should have went for that run instead.

"Are you alive?"

Her father shook her head. "I'm technically both." Seeing his daughter's face, he laughed. "Told you it was complicated."

"How come you smell so... so real?"

Her father rolled her eyes. "It's hard to explain."

Sage bared her teeth. "I don't care." She growled, "I want to know, now!"

"Let's find Charles, Sage. He knows more than I do."

"He knew this whole time," she cried out, stomping towards the door. "I'm gonna kill him." She slammed it shut behind her, leaving the room with her father's wedding ring on her finger. She didn't realize she took it.

Her father stood in his room, standing beside his bed. "God, help that vampire." He shook his head, following his daughter out. Can't leave Charles to fight her alone.

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