Chapter 39

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every monster was a man first

edward albee

Chapter Thirty-Nine:

It was beautiful. The sun made the snow sparkle as Hunter and Sage walked through the building. Gem was following them, but decided against it. I trust my mate.

Sage had a hard smirk on her face, clearly finding this amusing. Hunter's face was similar to stone, keeping his emotions inside. The Kills always had the best straight face.

"Why are you smirking?" Hunter faintly grumbled, moving his shoulder's back to pop his upper back. "What's so funny about my situation?"

Sage looked up at his, shrugging. "I think deep down you want to do this. You know, become a wolf and live with Gem. I know you weren't ready for the marking and the bite," Sage dragged on, making Hunter nod his head in agreement.

"We have been talking about me a lot," Hunter started, it seems it's always me coming for advice. "How did you meet back up with your father?"

Sage bit her lip, "Charles. 'Member that vampire that got away?" Hunter nodded his head, pushing Sage to go to the left when the hall split. The walls, surprisingly, held together, even though the Moon Goddess was beyond centuries old. "My father let him live. My father has been living with vampires ever since he was kicked out."

Hunter looked at her, watching as she thought. "I...," she sighed, "It's hard. I kinda understand what happened with you. I still haven't really said a word to him, even though he saved me from the Council of Hunters."

Hunter put his arm around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze before speaking lowly. "You know, I get what you did. I probably would have the same thing. The whole announcing Gem's a werewolf in front of a group of hunters. Wolves and vampires, haven't been friendly to our family."

Sage nodded her head, rubbing her tired eyes. "I feel like I was on the wrong side."

"Gem told me there are actual wolves and vampires of their own kind they are trying to kill. I think our minds were right, but we went to far, I guess." Hunter released her as he saw Jansen Lupin walking towards them. She sent a little glare towards Sage, not understanding their brother and sister relationship.

"Hunter?" The hunter looked up towards his mate's little sister, giving her a smile. "Your sister has been spotting moving the direction away from us. Gem thought you should know." She turned to face Sage, looking up and down her figure. "Charles wants you."

Sage crossed her arms, "If he wants me, he can come and get me himself." She knew that Charles wanted to talk about repairing her and her father's situation, but I'm just not ready to face the past, yet. God, we haven't fix this Paige problem.

Jansen growled, not liking the newly shifted vampire. Sage only smiled, baring her fangs a little.

She wolf laughed, "Little fangs don't scare me."

Hunger rolled his eyes, knowing the dominance wolves had. "Jansen, this is Sage, a younger sister to me."

She glanced at Hunter raising her eyebrow before sighing and walking away.

"It doesn't feel the same," Sage whispered, pushing her hair behind her face. "You know, usually Paige would be here, trying to do something Paige like."

Hunger nodded his head, missing his baby sister all over again. She, honestly, looked more like their parents than he did, even though Paige and Hunter could look like twins by their characteristics.

"She'll probably be walking around, trying to get a secrete video on how human like pack wolves are," Hunter chuckled. I wish that was the case.

Sage smiled, thinking of everything Paige would be talking about: the amount of changes in the weather, Hunter's happiness with Gem, her happiness with Charles, the amount of pack wolves and hunters she would be saving. The list was endless, but it was impossible as of now.

"Do you think she'll ever be like herself again?" Sage asked as Hunter spotted Gem, waiting at a table patiently.

"My heart says yes, but my head says no."

He quickly left, kissing Sage's check before walking over the Gem, who looked at him wondering what he was going to say.

I shouldn't be this scared about talking to my mate, she sighed, smiling softly as Hunter sat down at the table.

He took a deep breath remembering what Sage and Jimmy had told him. Gem would use the rest of her life make up for her mistake, a mistake Hunter would have wanted sometime in the future.

He gently grabbed his mate's hand, feeling the sparks going crazy. He chucked at the feeling, making Gem smile.

After he was turned, the need for Gem grow. He was amazed at how well she kept her wolf at bay. She waited years for Hunter to notice her, and he was proud of because of that.

"I still don't like what you did," Hunter stated, not releasing Gem's hand. Gem nodded her head, still ashamed of herself.

I'm a fucking Alpha. I should be better than that. She squeezed Hunter's hand, hoping that she was not crossing the line.

"I know it was going to happened. I just didn't want to happen so soon." He whispered, wanting this conversation to be kept to themselves.

Gem started to feel tears running down her eyes, please don't reject me. Please don't.

"I love you, Gem. I just going to need some time." He softly kissed her hand before walking away, leaving his words to rattle in Gem's head.

His words saved Gem's wolf and soul. Without them, she would become a beast they were meant to hunt and kill.

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