Chapter 40

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they begot the giants and monsters...
they begot, and behold, all of earth is corrupted


Chapter Forty:

It was a blizzard where Paige was heading, her face down as she pushed against the strong winds. Susan walked along with Celeste right behind the monster.

Paige's undefeated army was down to thirteen members. She either killed the weaklings or held another training session when she was upset. Those things never got fucking bloody enough.

She smiled when she remembered all of the blood, the red, crimson blood tripping from her fingertips when she was done. She licked it clean off her fingers.

Her eyes watched her surroundings, notching she lost five more of her soldiers in the snow. She huffed, shaking her head.

"Alpha Kill," Celeste called out, knowing she had to do something or they would all die. "We need to find shelter!"

Paige growled, turning around. Her eyes heating up against the wind.

Celeste growled back, "You can't think you can beat every wolf and vampire by yourself."

Paige barked, "I do what I please."

"Just like that pack did to you?" Susan snapped, she stood in front of Celeste, shielding her from Paige. "You are doing the same thing that they did to you!"

Paige only chucked, snapping what was left. She stared at them, "Run then! All of you! I love the hunt."

Susan grabbed Celeste by the hand, sprinting away. She knew Paige wasn't going to run after them. She's going to make us go crazy waiting for her.

After the two left, everyone started to scatter. Jumping through the piles and mountain of snow to finally get away from their monster, a monster that has been haunting them for far too long.

They all hope the storm would kill her.

It didn't. She ended finding cave with an unusual scent.

She looked around, seeing cobwebs hanging from object to object. The miroirs hanging from the walls shattered and destroyed, almost if someone was going crazy being the only one in the cave, surrounded by snow, hungry from the lack of food, freezing from the cold.

The scent was dead-like. Nobody has been here for centuries. She smiled, not feeling lonely at all. Nobody can keep the company of a Goddess.

She walked around, seeing a large pile of wood in the corner. The person, or thing, living here was thinking of staying for a long time. She sniffed the air, catching some rotten food, being taken away by the flies.

She hummed, tracing her fingers on the wall catching the layer of rust and dirt. Someone built this cave, a man made cave.

She sneezed when the dust entered her nose; she waved her hand, hoping to remove the dust away from her face.

She continued her slow walk, wondering what secrets this cave held. She moved over to the book self, not recognizing any of the book titles. They were published long before she was born, long before werewolves and vampires came out of hiding.

Who the fuck is Harry Potter? Paige grunted at the titles, clearly thinking how she was wasting her time in books that were older than her. I have better things to be doing.

She knocked the bookshelf to the ground, destroying the books as it fell. Pages ripped from the weakened spine. She rolled her eyes before making her way to pictures on a desk.

A young woman in a dress seemed to be dancing when the camera captured her. She was smiling, the lights above her head glowing. He blond hair half up and down. Her dress waving around her petit body.

The next picture was an older couple. They seemed to be in their mid-forties. Graying hairs started to form around their face, wrinkles around their aging eyes.

Paige threw them to the ground, breaking the frames. She forced the locked drawers opened, even though the key was hidden in one of the old books.

She found a book, a rubber band wrapped around and knitted into the cover; it was a journal. They had journals back in those old days.

She opened it, seeing neat hand writing written in the cover: Charlie Dickson.

She turned the page, seeing the person write their plans in building the cave. How he loved his blond girl. He wrote about how he loved his parents. Paige ripped the pages out as she read.

She stopped when she saw the date: November 3rd, 2099; the day when mutts and bloodsuckers came from hiding. She read how they attacked the White House, destroying the monuments in other countries. What's the Eiffel Tower?

She read through the passage. He wrote with a black pen, and the page was covered in scribbles and what smelt like wine.

She was surprised to see pictures tapped to the pages. She saw the White House, the neighborhoods, the parks, the Twin Towers. The world was so beautiful. Look at what those beast destroyed!

She grew more hateful towards the beasts. She wanted to rip their throats out. She wanted to tear their limbs about. She wanted to end every single one of them.

"How dare they?" She screamed, throwing her fist into the table, as if it was a wolf she had been cutting into. "How dare they walk on this planet!"

She grabbed the chair, wheels at the bottom, before throwing it into the wall. Snow fell from the top, landing around the cave entrance.  Unluckily, it didn't trap her.

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