Chapter 35

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never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul

Chapter Thirty-Five:

It was freezing in the room. Celeste rolled herself into a ball, making sure to keep eye contact on the door and Susan.

She didn't understand why the vampire was here, but she knew Paige Kill sent her in to do something to her. I just don't know what.

"You know," Susan coughed, realizing the pup wasn't going to hint she knew she was here. "Alpha Paige may be-"

"Don't." Susan stopped at Celeste's snarl. "Don't excuse her actions."

Susan smiled, shaking her head. "It seems that way, huh?" She couldn't believe a what? Seven? Eight year old? grew up so fast.

Celeste didn't answer. Instead, she moved to the furtherest wall in the room.

"When I first meet her," Susan started. "She was my patient."

Celeste only stared, not understanding. Did she make Paige like this? Is Paige just the puppet? She got up, getting herself ready to fight if she has to. She's not turning me into that.

Susan only shook her head, her eyes getting watery. "I didn't even put up a fight. I let her take control, giving her things she did not deserve."

Celeste slowly, moving one front exactly in front of the other, walked over to the vampire in the room.

"My only thought: I was finally, finally going to beat my sister." Susan wiped her tears with the back of her hand, trying hard not to become a fountain. Celeste didn't ask what happened. It wasn't hard to guess, especially in this situation. "I did beat her," Susan whispered, ashamed.

Celeste ended up sitting next to the woman, knowing she probably would never see her parents again. The connection to the dots were so much easier to see once someone has been hurt. The truth made her eyes water.

They sat there, sniffling and crying together for two different endpoints and one reason.

Celeste stared at the vampire, wiping away her tears. "Are my parents died?"

Susan nodded her head, hating herself even more. I killed my sister. I killed her parents.

"My mom always told me when I'm sad I should talk about my feelings."

Susan remained quiet. I wish I was dead. There's no feelings to this. I should have died instead, instead of all of them.

Susan sighed, "Her name was Duran."

Celeste leaned her head against Susan's shoulders, secretly giving her love and support.

"I'm older by three minutes. She was the baby in the family."

Celeste grabbed her hand, squeezing it for reassurance.

"I loved, love her so much, but she was the golden child. I hated her for it," Susan whispered. She stopped there, shanking her head. "I'm a monster."

Celeste smiled softly. "You done some bad things, but look how you feel about it." Her head was slightly hurting, but her wolf was healing her body quickly. "You have remorse."

Susan just chuckled, "It doesn't clean the blood from my hands. Nothing I will ever do will bring her back to life. My parents don't even know what happened."

Celeste used her bruised hands to grip Susan's face, making the vampire woman look at her. "You are not a monster. Alpha Paige is."

Susan nodded her head, still not believing the wolf's words.

"Really," Celeste pressed on. Her body fully healed, and her mind ready to work.

Susan stared into the eyes of an Alpha's daughter, an Alpha's orphaned daughter. She shook her head, feeling a wave of her animalistic feelings surfacing. She needed blood, but she didn't want to leave this little girl alone.

It was because she didn't want to be alone. She wanted someone to understand her pain, and what's better than a child losing both of their parents to the worst monter who could walk the planet.

"Celeste," Susan whispered, "fight her. Don't give in like I did." She kissed her forehead before removing her head from the cold fingers on her skin. She gave the girl a nod before walking away, silently shunning herself. Snap out of it!

It has been years since she needed blood to the point she was about to lose control. Her vampire was deep inside of her, but only came when she needed help or advise.

Her vampire has never tried to take control like that before, and Susan knew it was because of Paige. She was growing stronger. The wolf howling louder at the moon. The vampire's fang growing bigger. She was a monster, who could already take over the world, and she was getting stronger.

As the monster grew stronger, the human — mentally and physically — grew weaker. Susan saw the blood dripping from her wrist, but made no move to ask her.

She paused as she walking outside. That's her weakness. The blood coming from her wrist.

Susan knew their was no hope for her to escape. She wouldn't even make it to the other packs, and she would be hunted off.

The Moon Goddess will save us. She thought and smiled when she though about the little girl trapped in an underground room. The Moon Goddess is with us.

She pushed past everyone else, trying to find a small animal to hunt. She needed blood, and she was going to get it.

She could hunt. She learned how, but there was still blood under her finger nails from her sister, and she imagine her hands hitting Duran's face. She couldn't stand it.

She would starve herself before she killed another living creature. She whimpered at the imagine, trying to erase it from her mind.

Sadly, some things just stick.

How to Make a Monster?| (#1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz