Chapter 42

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monsters die out when the collective imagination no longer needs them

glen duncan

Chapter Forty-Two:

It seemed to get warmer the longer Paige stayed away, hidden in the cave durning her snowy, deadly winter. Some say, you could hear her howls of agony in the distance.

She finally ran out of Dark Moon to pleasure her needs of the monster trapped and formed in a human body.

"Sage," Charles poked at her shoulder as she pretended to be asleep, "I know your awake, you stubborn little pig."

Sage threw her fist up, hoping to hit her beloved in the face. Luckily, like back in the woods, Sage was a little slow.

Charles laughed, poking and teasing her more and more till Sage opened her eyes, narrowing them at the man lying down next to her.

"I'm not talking to him," she grumbled as she sat up, moving the coveted over her legs. "Just drop it ok?"

Charles shook his head, "You need to. His a vampire-ish too. You both are going to live for a long time. It's best to sort this out."

Sage shook her head, getting out of bed. Her face wrinkled and angry at the mention of him and talking to him. He basically... She clinched her teeth together, hoping not to let a hissing sound out.

"I'm going to hang out with Hunter," she told Charles before leaving, slamming the ancient door shut. The vampire on the bed sighed, tired of his chosen beloved getting upset. Stubborn. Look it up and you'll find a picture of Sage Drac. He smiled at the last name change, knowing turned vampires changed it to the last time of their turners or beloved. Sage's father's last name was Drac, and he wondered how mad his vampire would be when he told her.

Sage turned the corner, walking straight into Gem. The two stared at each other, knowing they left off on the wrong foot.

Gem looked at the wall while Sage stared down at her feet.

"I'm sorry," Sage began, knowing Hunter would convince, Ok, I fucked up, her to fix their relationship. "I should have kept my mouth shut, but many of my opinions have changed."

Gem smiled, moving her hair back with the movement of her head. "It's alright. I didn't take your words and actions as I should. You grew up in a world where wolves and vampires destroyed everything."

They, awkwardly, shook hands before going on their separate ways. Sage to Hunter and Gem to the end of the sunny part of the land.

Once Gem hit the exit doors of the Moon Goddess, she shifted into her red wolf, taking off in all fours. I need to get away from Hunter. He's driving me nuts with the distance thing, not that I don't deserve it.

The grass seemed to be alive, growing flowers and other alive things. Gem's wolf form chuckled, leaning down to smell a daisy, where a bee had taken its duty.

She sniffed, sucking the bee into her nose. She quickly sneezed when she felt the legs of the insect move to get out.

Her eyes widen when she saw a little black and yellow bug flying around, a little wet. It was managing fine with the snot on its body.

A normal wolf in a normal time would be worried about a bee getting stuck in their nose, not about a monster, who happens to be your mate's sister, trying to kill you. Gem snorted at the thought of things being normal, but she wished she got that.

She wished she didn't have to wait years for Hunter and her to get together. She wished she could have been a happy family, with pups and kids running around their house.

She wanted things to be normal, but she laughed at the idea. Gem joined a hunter organization, hunting her kind. How normal can life actually get for me?

She patted on, looking forward to see the tall trees growing heathy by the power of the Moon Goddess. I wonder if she sent her down as a peace offering thing? Getting vampires, wolves, and hunters to come together.

By mistake, she was heading in the direction of her birth pack. She didn't realize how far the walk was without having to be chase by wolves — now dead — under the control of Paige Kill.

She jumped from the rocks, resurfaced to the ground after the snow was melted away. She liked the little ponds, used to be frozen by the cold. Gem really missed this beauty when she was gone, not that she could change what happened.

She wouldn't have ran into Hunter, someone she loves very much.

She suddenly smelt the smell of dried iron drifting towards her, pausing her thoughts she lowered her body to the ground. Dead bodies?

She crawled toward the smell, smelling some fire woods. She started to jog, weaving through the bushes. Not even a mountain could bloke her view. A mountain of dead, naked people piled together, clearly beaten and destroyed. Some seemed to have a clean death while other's didn't.

"How many more?" She heard a little girl asked an older wolf.

"The last pile is over there."

Gem lifted her nose, smelling an old scent of Paige Kill and a scent of an Alpha blood.

She shifted back, walking through the trees. Her red hair would have been easily spotted, but there was blood still dripping from the trees.

Gem paused when she saw the little girl, her back turned, staring at the pack house. Is that? No... Her pack was destroyed.

"Celeste?" She called out. The eight year old turned around, her eyes widening seeing Gem.

"Gem!" She screamed, running towards the woman who was standing there naked. "What?"

Gem looked around as she wrapped her arms around the little girl. She kneeled down, "What's going on?"

Celeste took a dee breath. "Alpha Kill-"

"Paige, call her Paige." Gem interrupted, "Don't give her that power."

Celeste nodded her head before continuing, "She left. Went to the mountains. Basically killed everyone before she left. Said she hunt us down."

"She loves the chase, huh?" Gem mumbled, standing back up. "The dead bodies; she killed them."

"She killed some. She made people fight to the death," Celeste whispered. "It was terrible. She tortured everybody."

Gem looked forward, sensing a vampire coming towards them.

"Celeste?" Susan caught Gem standing there, and she quickly bared her fangs. "Get away from her!"

Gem growled back, "Who the fuck are you?" She quickly pushed Celeste behind her.

"Stop! It's ok!" Celeste pushed past Gem. "Gem meet Susan. Susan say hello to Gem."

The two adults just stared at each other. Susan rolled her eyes at the lack of clothes Gem had on. Wolves and their naked bodies.

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