Chapter 47

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i'm being murdered by my own mind

Chapter Forty-Seven:

Through the windows of the building, the sun slowly started to shine. Standing underneath the sun, was the monster and Paige, struggling to stay alive.

"I feel you trying to swim to the surface, Paige, but your attempts are futile. You won't ever see the sky, only the bottom of your endless pit." The monster whispered into the air. "Just die. Your brother gave up hope for you."

Paige reached her hand up in the abyss of her dying mind. Her fingers brushed the dark air, and the coldness nipped back. Her eyes shined with the tears, knowing that her brother and friend turned their backs on her. Albeit, they tried to save her.

It was too late for anyone. Hunter missed the deadline. Sage didn't realize soon enough. Susan broke to easily before she acted like a muscle and rebuild her broken self. Paige felt the darkness within, but she couldn't get to the light fast enough.

"Why would you even want to live in this world?" The monster stood, wearing Paige's skin, using her bones and muscles to walk. Everything that belong to Paige, belonged to her now.

She stood up, staring at the closed door of her new room. The Hunter society was putting a lot of faith in her, but they wouldn't let her go to the house Paige, the real one, earned.

Paige struggled until her eyes matched the blackness around her, and she fell linked in her own mind once again. This... this isn't over.

"Yes. It isn't." She reached over, grabbing the journal. Paige had already read through everything; reading about the old world, a world where beast weren't known; learning about the beginning of a ending war, a war that her ancestors fought.

She flipped through the pages, rereading her knowledge on the one disgusting monster who ruined the race of humans. Her eyes raced across the words, and her anger builds. It was like every other time she read it. All she saw was red.

Paige left the room, the book opened on the floor. The words scribbled into the page:

A small part of me wanted to walk with freedom. I never meet to unshed the terrible light amongst us. I lost love ones too, but, hopefully, they won't die in vain.

Paige shut the door, quickly locking it. She smirked down as she walked, her shoulders brushing others. Nobody dared made a move, for she was a Kill and a monster. She was a killer monster, and that isn't the only way to describe her.

H...r m...

He... e.

Hear me.

The monster groaned, rolling her eyes. I had enough of this. Extending her claws, she scratched herself down the arm. The monster shook her head, remembering how this weak human body use to feel the pain of her blood spilling. When Paige did it to herself, she felt the pain, but she felt the darkness bleed with it.

When the monster cut her, she felt herself slowly being pushed out. She hanged on, her fingers grasping the broken and destroyed ladder she was trying to climb. She was far from the fight in her head, but this is my body. Mine.

The monster yawned, feeling Paige's strength thin. She started walking down the hallway, heading to the nameless woman's room.

It was hard to create an army to bow down to monster when the hope was so strong. The nameless woman was a leader patrol group, and Paige knew that you also start small.

She started to dig through the memories in her head. Paige's childhood flashed through her mind.

A little girl running through the woods. Her foot steps barley leaving a mark on the world. She smiled, her pearly whites smiling as she laughed.

It was when her parents were alive, when her brother and her were close. It was before the Academy. It was before the world turned its back on someone who needed it most.

It was those memories that started to separate the monster and the human. The stars need the darkness to shine, and Paige was finally seeing the stars when she looked up into the sky.

"Jo." She called out, seeing the door opened. The woman walked out, her brown skin quickly reflecting off the lights. "I need to talk to you."

Jo nodded her head, grabbing a jacket and closer the door. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

Side by side, they walked. Paige kept her face straight, but saw the small woman from the side.

"I know you're looking at me," Jo laughed, "I'm not a hunter for nothing." She quickly moved her jacket, and Paige saw a gun lying in her hips.

"I hope you could," Paige whispered. Grabbing her hair and putting it into a ponytail, she feel silent for a few moments. "It would be embarrassing for you."

Jo only smiled. "My abilities do not make me a hunter, Paige. It's how I train and my principles."

With hesitation, Jo grabbed Paige's face, bring it to her face. Paige grunted, but nothing was broken.

A small clock echoed in Paige's ear.

"I thought your principles held more morals, Paige." Jo snarled, holding the gun to Paige's face.

Paige laughed, "I'm invincible, Jo. That won't kill me."

Jo took a deep breath. "When the human died, the beast does too." Her hands started to shake.

"You know?" Paige smiled, raising her eyebrow. Her fingers reached for the gun. When Jo straightened herself up again, her face masked in anger, Paige spoke, "She still here, watching everything. How would she feel when someone she has so many memories of kills her?"

Jo clenched her teeth, her finger pulling the safety down. "You don't know me. You don't." Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Do it." Paige screamed, "Kill me. Destroy the sweet little girl, innocent and abused girl, you knew. Finish us."

Jo blinked, taking a deep breath. Paige grabbed the gun, moving it so it touched her own chest.

"It's so simple."

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